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414 lines
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414 lines
11 KiB
<!-- Copyright 2022 by Alexei Bezborodov <> --> |
<!-- public domain --> |
<html lang="ru"> |
<head> |
<meta charset="UTF-8"> |
<title>Распределение участников по столам</title> |
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<script type="text/javascript" src="brython.min.js"></script> |
<script type="text/javascript" src="brython_stdlib.js"></script> |
</head> |
<body onload="brython()"> |
<details open> |
<summary>Начальные данные</summary> |
<div> |
<p> |
<label>Номер распределения:</label> |
<input id = "step_id" type="number" value="1" step="1"/> |
</p> |
<p> |
<label>Входные данные:<br/></label> |
<textarea id="input_data" cols="40" rows="5"></textarea> |
<p>Данные должны быть в таком формате:<br/> |
1; ФИО 1; {3,4}<br/> |
2; ФИО 2; {3,4}<br/> |
3; ФИО 3; {1,2}<br/> |
4; ФИО 4; {1,2}<br/> |
, где первое число - номер посетителя<br/> |
второе - имя посетителя<br/> |
третье - номера участников, с которыми посетитель уже знаком<br/> |
</p> |
</p> |
</div> |
<div> |
<button id="load_data">Загрузить</button> |
</div> |
</details> |
<details open> |
<summary>Таблица знакомств</summary> |
<div> |
<p id="meet_table" class="text-center"></p> |
</div> |
</details> |
<details> |
<summary>Расстановка</summary> |
<div> |
<p> |
<label>Размеры столов (через запятую):</label> |
<input id = "table_size"/> |
</p> |
<p> |
<label>Имена столов:</label> |
<input id = "table_name" value="АБВГДЕЁЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯ"/> |
</p> |
<textarea id="result_table_txt" cols="40" rows="5"></textarea> |
</div> |
<div> |
<button id="table_distrib">Расставить по столам</button> |
<button id="table_distrib_load">Загрузить расстановку</button> |
</div> |
</details> |
<details> |
<summary>Таблица</summary> |
<div> |
<p id="result_table" class="text-center"></p> |
</div> |
</details> |
<details> |
<summary>Конечные данные</summary> |
<label>Входные данные для нового шага:<br/></label> |
<textarea id="output_data" cols="40" rows="5"></textarea> |
<div> |
<button id="next_step">Перейти на следующий шаг</button> |
</div> |
</details> |
<details> |
<summary>Полная таблица всех шагов</summary> |
<label>Входные данные:<br/></label> |
<textarea id="all_output_data" cols="40" rows="25"></textarea> |
</details> |
<script type="text/python"> |
from browser import document, html, window |
import random |
class Table: |
def __init__(self, a_id, person_set): |
| = a_id |
self.person_set = person_set |
id = 0 |
person_set = set() |
class Person: |
def __init__(self, beig_id, name, meet_set): |
self.beig_id = beig_id |
| = name |
self.meet_set = meet_set |
def __str__(self): |
return str(self.beig_id) + ", " + + "\n" + str(self.meet_set) |
beig_id = 0 |
name = "" |
meet_set = set() |
global people |
people = [] |
global tables |
tables = [] |
def add_to_all_data(val): |
document["all_output_data"].value += "\n\n#Шаг " + document["step_id"].value + "\n" + val |
def load_input(val): |
global people |
people = [] |
input_data = val |
for p in input_data.split("\n"): |
if p == "": |
continue |
tmp = p.split(";") |
cur_beig_id = int(tmp[0]) |
cur_name = "" |
if len(tmp) > 1: |
cur_name = tmp[1] |
str_meet_list = [] |
if len(tmp) > 2: |
str_meet_list = tmp[2].replace(" ", "").replace("{", "").replace("}", "").split(",") |
cur_meet_list = set() |
for s in str_meet_list: |
if len(s) != 0: |
cur_meet_list = cur_meet_list | {int(s)} |
p = Person(cur_beig_id, cur_name, cur_meet_list) |
people.append(p) |
def get_present_people(): |
global people |
return list(filter(lambda p: p.beig_id > 0, people)) |
def show_meet_table_data(): |
global people |
html = "Всего участников: " + str(len(people)) + "<br/>" |
html += "Присутствуют участников: " + str(len(get_present_people())) + "<br/>" |
html += "Номер распределения: " + document["step_id"].value + "<br/>" |
meet_count = 0 |
html += "<table border = 1>" |
# Первая строка |
html += "<tr>" |
html += "<td></td>" |
for p in people: |
html += "<th" + " title='" + + "'>" + str(abs(p.beig_id)) + "</th>" |
html += "</tr>" |
# Остальные строки |
for p in people: |
html += "<tr>" |
html += "<th" + " title='" + + "'>" + str(abs(p.beig_id)) + "</th>" |
for ip in people: |
if abs(p.beig_id) in ip.meet_set: |
html += "<td bgcolor='red'></td>" |
meet_count += 1 |
else: |
html += "<td></td>" |
html += "</tr>" |
html += "</table>" |
html += "<br/>Знакомств: " + str(meet_count) + "/" + str(len(people) ** 2) + "<br/>" |
document["meet_table"].innerHTML = html |
def get_result(): |
global people |
result = "" |
for p in people: |
result += str(p.beig_id) + ";" + + ";" |
if len(p.meet_set): |
result += str(p.meet_set) |
result += "\n" |
return result |
def result_table_fill(): |
global tables |
result_txt = "" |
for t in tables: |
result_txt += str( + ";" |
if len(t.person_set): |
result_txt += str(t.person_set) |
result_txt += "\n" |
return result_txt |
def print_result_table(): |
table_names = document["table_name"].value |
global tables |
html = "" |
html += "<table border = 1>" |
# Первая строка |
html += "<tr>" |
html += "<th>Номер стола</th>" |
html += "<th>Участники</th>" |
html += "</tr>" |
# Остальные строки |
for t in tables: |
html += "<tr>" |
if >= len(table_names): |
html += "<td>" + str( + "</td>" |
else: |
html += "<td>" + str(table_names[]) + "</td>" |
if len(t.person_set): |
html += "<td>" + str(t.person_set).replace("{", "").replace("}", "") + "</td>" |
else: |
html += "<td></td>" |
html += "</tr>" |
html += "</table>" |
document["result_table"].innerHTML = html |
document["result_table_txt"].value = result_table_fill() |
def get_person_by_id(id): |
global people |
for p in people: |
if abs(p.beig_id) == id: |
return p |
print("Error", id) |
def fill_next_table(start_person_id, people_set, table_size_count, people): |
result_people = [get_person_by_id(start_person_id)] |
result_set = {start_person_id} |
while len(result_set) < table_size_count: |
search_success = False |
for p in people: |
cur_id = abs(p.beig_id) |
if cur_id in people_set: |
continue |
if cur_id in result_set: |
continue |
pers_free = True |
for ip in result_people: |
if cur_id in ip.meet_set: |
pers_free = False |
break |
if pers_free: |
result_set = result_set | {cur_id} |
result_people.append(p) |
search_success = True |
break |
if not search_success: |
for p in people: |
cur_id = abs(p.beig_id) |
if cur_id in people_set: |
continue |
if cur_id in result_set: |
continue |
result_set = result_set | {cur_id} |
result_people.append(p) |
break |
return result_set |
def get_beig_id_set(people): |
result = set() |
for p in people: |
result = result | {abs(p.beig_id)} |
return result |
def fill_tables(): |
global tables |
tables = [] |
cur_table_id = 0 |
sort_people = sorted(get_present_people(), key=lambda person: len(person.meet_set)) |
all_table_size = 0 |
str_table_size = document["table_size"].value.replace(" ", "").split(",") |
table_size = [] |
for s in str_table_size: |
if len(s) != 0: |
t = int(s) |
all_table_size += t |
table_size += [t] |
beig_id_set = get_beig_id_set(sort_people) |
people_set = set() |
while len(people_set) != len(sort_people): |
if len(people_set) >= all_table_size: |
break |
new_person_id = random.sample(list(beig_id_set - people_set), 1)[0] |
cur_set = fill_next_table(new_person_id, people_set, |
min(table_size[cur_table_id], len(sort_people) - len(people_set)), sort_people) |
people_set = people_set | cur_set |
tables.append(Table(cur_table_id, cur_set)) |
cur_table_id += 1 |
def fill_people(): |
global people |
global tables |
for t in tables: |
for p in people: |
if abs(p.beig_id) in t.person_set: |
p.meet_set = t.person_set | p.meet_set |
def load_input_table(val): |
global tables |
tables = [] |
input_data = val |
for t in input_data.split("\n"): |
if t == "": |
continue |
tmp = t.split(";") |
cur_id = int(tmp[0]) |
str_meet_list = [] |
if len(tmp) > 1: |
str_meet_list = tmp[1].replace(" ", "").replace("{", "").replace("}", "").split(",") |
cur_meet_list = set() |
for s in str_meet_list: |
if len(s) != 0: |
cur_meet_list = cur_meet_list | {int(s)} |
t = Table(cur_id, cur_meet_list) |
tables.append(t) |
def make_result(): |
fill_tables() |
fill_people() |
def load_data(event): |
val = document["input_data"].value |
load_input(val) |
add_to_all_data("#Таблица знакомств\n" + val) |
show_meet_table_data() |
def table_distrib(event): |
load_input(document["input_data"].value) |
make_result() |
print_result_table() |
document["output_data"].value = get_result() |
show_meet_table_data() |
def table_distrib_load(event): |
load_input(document["input_data"].value) |
load_input_table(document["result_table_txt"].value) |
fill_people() |
print_result_table() |
document["output_data"].value = get_result() |
show_meet_table_data() |
def next_step(event): |
document["step_id"].value = str(int(document["step_id"].value) + 1) |
val = document["output_data"].value |
document["input_data"].value = val |
load_input(val) |
add_to_all_data("#Столы\n" + result_table_fill()) |
add_to_all_data("#Таблица знакомств\n" + val) |
show_meet_table_data() |
document["load_data"].bind("click", load_data) |
document["table_distrib"].bind("click", table_distrib) |
document["next_step"].bind("click", next_step) |
document["table_distrib_load"].bind("click", table_distrib_load) |
</script> |
</body> |