Модульный Telegram-бот с возможностью редактирования прав доступа, как пользователям, так и группам пользователей
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

103 lines
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#-*-coding utf-8-*-
# Общественное достояние, 2023, Алексей Безбородов (Alexei Bezborodov) <AlexeiBv+mirocod_platform_bot@narod.ru>
# Работа с кнопками и клавиатурой
from bot_sys import user_access
from aiogram.types import ReplyKeyboardRemove, ReplyKeyboardMarkup, KeyboardButton, InlineKeyboardMarkup, InlineKeyboardButton
from aiogram import types
class ButtonWithAccess:
def __init__(self, a_Label, a_AccessMode : user_access.AccessMode, a_AccessString):
self.label = a_Label
self.access_mode = a_AccessMode
self.access_string = a_AccessString
def GetButtons(a_ModList):
buttons = []
for m in a_ModList:
b = m.GetModuleButtons()
if not b is None or len(b) != 0:
buttons += b
return buttons
import math
def Chunks(a_List, a_ChunkSize):
chunk_list = []
for i in range(0, len(a_List), a_ChunkSize):
chunk_list += [a_List[i: i + a_ChunkSize]]
return chunk_list
def GetButtonInRowCount(a_AllKeyCount):
return min(max(int(math.sqrt(a_AllKeyCount) // 1), 1), 3)
# TODO перенести KeyboardButton в MakeAiogramKeyboard
def MakeButtons(a_ButtonList : [ButtonWithAccess], a_UserGroups):
buttons = []
for b in a_ButtonList:
if not b.label:
label = str(b.label)
if user_access.CheckAccessString(b.access_string, a_UserGroups, b.access_mode):
buttons += [types.KeyboardButton(label)]
step = GetButtonInRowCount(len(buttons))
return Chunks(buttons, step)
def MakeKeyboard(a_ButtonList : [ButtonWithAccess], a_UserGroups):
return MakeAiogramKeyboard(MakeButtons(a_ButtonList, a_UserGroups))
def MakeKeyboardForMods(a_ModList, a_UserGroups):
buttons = GetButtons(a_ModList)
return MakeKeyboard(buttons, a_UserGroups)
class InlineButton:
def __init__(self, a_Label, a_CallBackData):
self.label = a_Label
self.callback_data = str(a_CallBackData)
class InlineButtonWithAccess:
def __init__(self, a_Label, a_CallBackPrefix, a_CallBackData, a_AccessString, a_AccessMode):
self.label = a_Label
self.callback_prefix = a_CallBackPrefix
self.callback_data = str(a_CallBackData)
self.access_string = a_AccessString
self.access_mode = a_AccessMode
def MakeInlineKeyboardButtons(a_ButtonList : [InlineButtonWithAccess], a_UserGroups):
buttons = []
for b in a_ButtonList:
if user_access.CheckAccessString(b.access_string, a_UserGroups, b.access_mode):
data = f'{b.callback_prefix}{b.callback_data}'
assert len(data) < 41 # Телеграм больше не поддерживает
buttons += [InlineButton(b.label, data)]
step = GetButtonInRowCount(len(buttons))
return Chunks(buttons, step)
def MakeInlineKeyboard(a_ButtonList : [InlineButtonWithAccess], a_UserGroups):
return MakeAiogramInlineKeyboard(MakeInlineKeyboardButtons(a_ButtonList, a_UserGroups))
# -------------------------------
def MakeKeyboardRemove():
return types.ReplyKeyboardRemove()
def MakeAiogramInlineKeyboards(a_ButtonList : [InlineButton]):
buttons = []
for row in a_ButtonList:
r = []
for b in row:
r += [types.InlineKeyboardButton(text = str(b.label), callback_data = b.callback_data)]
buttons += [r]
button_list_chunks = Chunks(buttons, 20)
result = []
for c in button_list_chunks:
result += [InlineKeyboardMarkup(inline_keyboard=c)]
return result
def MakeAiogramKeyboard(a_ButtonList : [[str]]):
return types.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(keyboard=a_ButtonList, resize_keyboard = True)