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Vendor Update (#16121)
4 years ago
README.md Vendor Update (#16121) 4 years ago
bufpipe.go Vendor Update (#16121) 4 years ago
doc.go Vendor Update (#16121) 4 years ago
go.mod Vendor Update (#16121) 4 years ago
go.sum Vendor Update (#16121) 4 years ago


bufpipe: Buffered Pipe

CircleCI GoDoc

The buffered version of io.Pipe. It's safe for concurrent use.

How does it differ from io.Pipe?

Writes never block because the pipe has variable-sized buffer.

r, w := bufpipe.New(nil)
io.WriteString(w, "abc") // No blocking.
io.WriteString(w, "def") // No blocking, too.
io.Copy(os.Stdout, r)
// Output: abcdef


How does it differ from bytes.Buffer?

Reads block if the internal buffer is empty until the writer is closed.

r, w := bufpipe.New(nil)

done := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
	io.Copy(os.Stdout, r) // The reads block until the writer is closed.
	done <- struct{}{}

io.WriteString(w, "abc")
io.WriteString(w, "def")
// Output: abcdef
