Платформа ЦРНП "Мирокод" для разработки проектов
76 lines
2.4 KiB
76 lines
2.4 KiB
# A Self-Documenting Makefile: http://marmelab.com/blog/2016/02/29/auto-documented-makefile.html |
OS = $(shell uname | tr A-Z a-z) |
export PATH := $(abspath bin/):${PATH} |
# Build variables |
BUILD_DIR ?= build |
export CGO_ENABLED ?= 0 |
export GOOS = $(shell go env GOOS) |
ifeq (${VERBOSE}, 1) |
ifeq ($(filter -v,${GOARGS}),) |
GOARGS += -v |
endif |
TEST_FORMAT = short-verbose |
endif |
# Dependency versions |
# Add the ability to override some variables |
# Use with care |
-include override.mk |
.PHONY: clear |
clear: ## Clear the working area and the project |
rm -rf bin/ |
.PHONY: check |
check: test lint ## Run tests and linters |
bin/gotestsum: bin/gotestsum-${GOTESTSUM_VERSION} |
@ln -sf gotestsum-${GOTESTSUM_VERSION} bin/gotestsum |
bin/gotestsum-${GOTESTSUM_VERSION}: |
@mkdir -p bin |
curl -L https://github.com/gotestyourself/gotestsum/releases/download/v${GOTESTSUM_VERSION}/gotestsum_${GOTESTSUM_VERSION}_${OS}_amd64.tar.gz | tar -zOxf - gotestsum > ./bin/gotestsum-${GOTESTSUM_VERSION} && chmod +x ./bin/gotestsum-${GOTESTSUM_VERSION} |
TEST_PKGS ?= ./... |
.PHONY: test |
test: TEST_FORMAT ?= short |
test: SHELL = /bin/bash |
test: export CGO_ENABLED=1 |
test: bin/gotestsum ## Run tests |
@mkdir -p ${BUILD_DIR} |
bin/gotestsum --no-summary=skipped --junitfile ${BUILD_DIR}/coverage.xml --format ${TEST_FORMAT} -- -race -coverprofile=${BUILD_DIR}/coverage.txt -covermode=atomic $(filter-out -v,${GOARGS}) $(if ${TEST_PKGS},${TEST_PKGS},./...) |
bin/golangci-lint: bin/golangci-lint-${GOLANGCI_VERSION} |
@ln -sf golangci-lint-${GOLANGCI_VERSION} bin/golangci-lint |
bin/golangci-lint-${GOLANGCI_VERSION}: |
@mkdir -p bin |
curl -sfL https://install.goreleaser.com/github.com/golangci/golangci-lint.sh | bash -s -- -b ./bin/ v${GOLANGCI_VERSION} |
@mv bin/golangci-lint $@ |
.PHONY: lint |
lint: bin/golangci-lint ## Run linter |
bin/golangci-lint run |
.PHONY: fix |
fix: bin/golangci-lint ## Fix lint violations |
bin/golangci-lint run --fix |
# Add custom targets here |
-include custom.mk |
.PHONY: list |
list: ## List all make targets |
@${MAKE} -pRrn : -f $(MAKEFILE_LIST) 2>/dev/null | awk -v RS= -F: '/^# File/,/^# Finished Make data base/ {if ($$1 !~ "^[#.]") {print $$1}}' | egrep -v -e '^[^[:alnum:]]' -e '^$@$$' | sort |
.PHONY: help |
.DEFAULT_GOAL := help |
help: |
@grep -h -E '^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}' |
# Variable outputting/exporting rules |
var-%: ; @echo $($*) |
varexport-%: ; @echo $*=$($*)