Платформа ЦРНП "Мирокод" для разработки проектов https://git.mirocod.ru
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

9 lines
433 B

class="ui label item {{if not .label.IsChecked}}hide{{end}}"
href="{{.root.RepoLink}}/{{if or .root.IsPull .root.Issue.IsPull}}pulls{{else}}issues{{end}}?labels={{.label.ID}}"{{/* FIXME: use .root.Issue.Link or create .root.Link */}}
style="color: {{.label.ForegroundColor}}; background-color: {{.label.Color}}"
title="{{.label.Description | RenderEmojiPlain}}"
{{.label.Name | RenderEmoji}}