Платформа ЦРНП "Мирокод" для разработки проектов
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661 lines
28 KiB
661 lines
28 KiB
{{ template "base/alert" }} |
{{range .Issue.Comments}} |
{{ $createdStr:= TimeSinceUnix .CreatedUnix $.Lang }} |
<!-- 0 = COMMENT, 1 = REOPEN, 2 = CLOSE, 3 = ISSUE_REF, 4 = COMMIT_REF, |
{{if eq .Type 0}} |
<div class="timeline-item comment" id="{{.HashTag}}"> |
{{if .OriginalAuthor }} |
<span class="timeline-avatar"><img src="/img/avatar_default.png"></span> |
{{else}} |
<a class="timeline-avatar" {{if gt .Poster.ID 0}}href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}"{{end}}> |
<img src="{{.Poster.RelAvatarLink}}"> |
</a> |
{{end}} |
<div class="content"> |
<div class="ui top attached header"> |
<div class="header-left df ac"> |
{{if .OriginalAuthor }} |
<span class="text black"><i class="fa {{MigrationIcon $.Repository.GetOriginalURLHostname}}" aria-hidden="true"></i> {{ .OriginalAuthor }}</span><span class="text grey"> {{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.commented_at" .Issue.HashTag $createdStr | Safe}} {{if $.Repository.OriginalURL}}</span><span class="text migrate">({{$.i18n.Tr "repo.migrated_from" $.Repository.OriginalURL $.Repository.GetOriginalURLHostname | Safe }}){{end}}</span> |
{{else}} |
<span class="text grey"><a class="author"{{if gt .Poster.ID 0}} href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}"{{end}}>{{.Poster.GetDisplayName}}</a> {{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.commented_at" .HashTag $createdStr | Safe}}</span> |
{{end}} |
</div> |
<div class="header-right actions df ac"> |
{{if not $.Repository.IsArchived}} |
{{if eq .PosterID .Issue.PosterID }} |
<div class="item tag"> |
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.poster"}} |
</div> |
{{end}} |
{{if gt .ShowTag 0}} |
<div class="item tag"> |
{{if eq .ShowTag 2}} |
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.collaborator"}} |
{{else if eq .ShowTag 3}} |
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.owner"}} |
{{end}} |
</div> |
{{end}} |
{{template "repo/issue/view_content/add_reaction" Dict "ctx" $ "ActionURL" (Printf "%s/comments/%d/reactions" $.RepoLink .ID)}} |
{{template "repo/issue/view_content/context_menu" Dict "ctx" $ "item" . "delete" true "diff" false "IsCommentPoster" (and $.IsSigned (eq $.SignedUserID .PosterID))}} |
{{end}} |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="ui attached segment"> |
<div class="render-content markdown"> |
{{if .RenderedContent}} |
{{.RenderedContent|Str2html}} |
{{else}} |
<span class="no-content">{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.no_content"}}</span> |
{{end}} |
</div> |
<div id="comment-{{.ID}}" class="raw-content hide">{{.Content}}</div> |
<div class="edit-content-zone hide" data-write="issuecomment-{{.ID}}-write" data-preview="issuecomment-{{.ID}}-preview" data-update-url="{{$.RepoLink}}/comments/{{.ID}}" data-context="{{$.RepoLink}}" data-attachment-url="{{$.RepoLink}}/comments/{{.ID}}/attachments"></div> |
{{if .Attachments}} |
<div class="dropzone-attachments"> |
<div class="ui clearing divider"></div> |
<div class="ui middle aligned padded grid"> |
{{template "repo/issue/view_content/attachments" Dict "ctx" $ "Attachments" .Attachments}} |
</div> |
</div> |
{{end}} |
</div> |
{{$reactions := .Reactions.GroupByType}} |
{{if $reactions}} |
<div class="ui attached segment reactions"> |
{{template "repo/issue/view_content/reactions" Dict "ctx" $ "ActionURL" (Printf "%s/comments/%d/reactions" $.RepoLink .ID) "Reactions" $reactions}} |
</div> |
{{end}} |
</div> |
</div> |
{{else if eq .Type 1}} |
<div class="timeline-item event" id="{{.HashTag}}"> |
<span class="badge">{{svg "octicon-dot-fill"}}</span> |
<a class="ui avatar image" href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}"> |
<img src="{{.Poster.RelAvatarLink}}"> |
</a> |
<span class="text grey"> |
<a class="author" href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}">{{.Poster.GetDisplayName}}</a> |
{{if .Issue.IsPull }} |
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.pulls.reopened_at" .EventTag $createdStr | Safe}} |
{{else}} |
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.reopened_at" .EventTag $createdStr | Safe}} |
{{end}} |
</span> |
</div> |
{{else if eq .Type 2}} |
<div class="timeline-item event" id="{{.HashTag}}"> |
<span class="badge">{{svg "octicon-circle-slash"}}</span> |
<a class="ui avatar image" href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}"> |
<img src="{{.Poster.RelAvatarLink}}"> |
</a> |
<span class="text grey"> |
<a class="author" href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}">{{.Poster.GetDisplayName}}</a> |
{{if .Issue.IsPull }} |
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.pulls.closed_at" .EventTag $createdStr | Safe}} |
{{else}} |
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.closed_at" .EventTag $createdStr | Safe}} |
{{end}} |
</span> |
</div> |
{{else if eq .Type 28}} |
<div class="timeline-item event" id="{{.HashTag}}"> |
<span class="badge purple">{{svg "octicon-git-merge"}}</span> |
<a class="ui avatar image" href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}"> |
<img src="{{.Poster.RelAvatarLink}}"> |
</a> |
<span class="text grey"> |
<a class="author" href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}">{{.Poster.GetDisplayName}}</a> |
{{$link := printf "%s/commit/%s" $.Repository.HTMLURL $.Issue.PullRequest.MergedCommitID}} |
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.pull_merged_at" $link (ShortSha $.Issue.PullRequest.MergedCommitID) ($.BaseTarget|Escape) $createdStr | Str2html}} |
</span> |
</div> |
{{else if eq .Type 3 5 6}} |
{{ $refFrom:= "" }} |
{{if ne .RefRepoID .Issue.RepoID}} |
{{ $refFrom = $.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.ref_from" .RefRepo.FullName }} |
{{end}} |
{{ $refTr := "repo.issues.ref_issue_from" }} |
{{if .Issue.IsPull}} |
{{ $refTr = "repo.issues.ref_pull_from" }} |
{{else if eq .RefAction 1 }} |
{{ $refTr = "repo.issues.ref_closing_from" }} |
{{else if eq .RefAction 2 }} |
{{ $refTr = "repo.issues.ref_reopening_from" }} |
{{end}} |
{{ $createdStr:= TimeSinceUnix .CreatedUnix $.Lang }} |
<div class="timeline-item event" id="{{.HashTag}}"> |
<span class="badge">{{svg "octicon-bookmark"}}</span> |
<a class="ui avatar image" href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}"> |
<img src="{{.Poster.RelAvatarLink}}"> |
</a> |
{{if eq .RefAction 3}}<del>{{end}} |
<span class="text grey"> |
<a class="author" href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}">{{.Poster.GetDisplayName}}</a> |
{{$.i18n.Tr $refTr .EventTag $createdStr .RefCommentHTMLURL $refFrom | Safe}} |
</span> |
{{if eq .RefAction 3}}</del>{{end}} |
<div class="detail"> |
<span class="text grey"><a href="{{.RefIssueHTMLURL}}"><b>{{.RefIssueTitle | Str2html}}</b> {{.RefIssueIdent | Str2html}}</a></span> |
</div> |
</div> |
{{else if eq .Type 4}} |
<div class="timeline-item event" id="{{.HashTag}}"> |
<span class="badge">{{svg "octicon-bookmark"}}</span> |
<a class="ui avatar image" href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}"> |
<img src="{{.Poster.RelAvatarLink}}"> |
</a> |
<span class="text grey"> |
<a class="author" href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}">{{.Poster.GetDisplayName}}</a> |
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.commit_ref_at" .EventTag $createdStr | Safe}} |
</span> |
<div class="detail"> |
{{svg "octicon-git-commit"}} |
<span class="text grey">{{.Content | Str2html}}</span> |
</div> |
</div> |
{{else if eq .Type 7}} |
{{if .Label}} |
<div class="timeline-item event" id="{{.HashTag}}"> |
<span class="badge">{{svg "octicon-tag"}}</span> |
<a class="ui avatar image" href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}"> |
<img src="{{.Poster.RelAvatarLink}}"> |
</a> |
<span class="text grey"> |
<a class="author" href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}">{{.Poster.GetDisplayName}}</a> |
{{if .Content}}{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.add_label_at" .Label.ForegroundColor .Label.Color (.Label.Name|RenderEmoji) $createdStr | Safe}}{{else}}{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.remove_label_at" .Label.ForegroundColor .Label.Color (.Label.Name|RenderEmoji) $createdStr | Safe}}{{end}} |
</span> |
</div> |
{{end}} |
{{else if eq .Type 8}} |
<div class="timeline-item event" id="{{.HashTag}}"> |
<span class="badge">{{svg "octicon-milestone"}}</span> |
<a class="ui avatar image" href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}"> |
<img src="{{.Poster.RelAvatarLink}}"> |
</a> |
<span class="text grey"> |
<a class="author" href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}">{{.Poster.GetDisplayName}}</a> |
{{if gt .OldMilestoneID 0}}{{if gt .MilestoneID 0}}{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.change_milestone_at" (.OldMilestone.Name|Escape) (.Milestone.Name|Escape) $createdStr | Safe}}{{else}}{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.remove_milestone_at" (.OldMilestone.Name|Escape) $createdStr | Safe}}{{end}}{{else if gt .MilestoneID 0}}{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.add_milestone_at" (.Milestone.Name|Escape) $createdStr | Safe}}{{end}} |
</span> |
</div> |
{{else if eq .Type 9}} |
<div class="timeline-item event" id="{{.HashTag}}"> |
<span class="badge">{{svg "octicon-person"}}</span> |
{{if gt .AssigneeID 0}} |
{{if .RemovedAssignee}} |
<a class="ui avatar image" href="{{.Assignee.HomeLink}}"> |
<img src="{{.Assignee.RelAvatarLink}}"> |
</a> |
<span class="text grey"> |
<a class="author" href="{{.Assignee.HomeLink}}">{{.Assignee.GetDisplayName}}</a> |
{{ if eq .Poster.ID .Assignee.ID }} |
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.remove_self_assignment" $createdStr | Safe}} |
{{ else }} |
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.remove_assignee_at" (.Poster.GetDisplayName|Escape) $createdStr | Safe}} |
{{ end }} |
</span> |
{{else}} |
<a class="ui avatar image" href="{{.Assignee.HomeLink}}"> |
<img src="{{.Assignee.RelAvatarLink}}"> |
</a> |
<span class="text grey"> |
<a class="author" href="{{.Assignee.HomeLink}}">{{.Assignee.GetDisplayName}}</a> |
{{if eq .Poster.ID .AssigneeID}} |
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.self_assign_at" $createdStr | Safe}} |
{{else}} |
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.add_assignee_at" (.Poster.GetDisplayName|Escape) $createdStr | Safe}} |
{{end}} |
</span> |
{{end}} |
{{end}} |
</div> |
{{else if eq .Type 10}} |
<div class="timeline-item event" id="{{.HashTag}}"> |
<span class="badge">{{svg "octicon-pencil"}}</span> |
<a class="ui avatar image" href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}"> |
<img src="{{.Poster.RelAvatarLink}}"> |
</a> |
<span class="text grey"> |
<a class="author" href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}">{{.Poster.GetDisplayName}}</a> |
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.change_title_at" (.OldTitle|RenderEmoji) (.NewTitle|RenderEmoji) $createdStr | Safe}} |
</span> |
</div> |
{{else if eq .Type 11}} |
<div class="timeline-item event" id="{{.HashTag}}"> |
<span class="badge">{{svg "octicon-git-branch"}}</span> |
<a class="ui avatar image" href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}"> |
<img src="{{.Poster.RelAvatarLink}}"> |
</a> |
<span class="text grey"> |
<a class="author" href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}">{{.Poster.GetDisplayName}}</a> |
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.delete_branch_at" (.CommitSHA|Escape) $createdStr | Safe}} |
</span> |
</div> |
{{else if eq .Type 12}} |
<div class="timeline-item event" id="{{.HashTag}}"> |
<span class="badge">{{svg "octicon-clock"}}</span> |
<a class="ui avatar image" href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}"> |
<img src="{{.Poster.RelAvatarLink}}"> |
</a> |
<span class="text grey"> |
<a class="author" href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}">{{.Poster.GetDisplayName}}</a> |
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.start_tracking_history" $createdStr | Safe}} |
</span> |
</div> |
{{else if eq .Type 13}} |
<div class="timeline-item event" id="{{.HashTag}}"> |
<span class="badge">{{svg "octicon-clock"}}</span> |
<a class="ui avatar image" href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}"> |
<img src="{{.Poster.RelAvatarLink}}"> |
</a> |
<span class="text grey"> |
<a class="author" href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}">{{.Poster.GetDisplayName}}</a> |
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.stop_tracking_history" $createdStr | Safe}} |
</span> |
<div class="detail"> |
{{svg "octicon-clock"}} |
<span class="text grey">{{.Content}}</span> |
</div> |
</div> |
{{else if eq .Type 14}} |
<div class="timeline-item event" id="{{.HashTag}}"> |
<span class="badge">{{svg "octicon-clock"}}</span> |
<a class="ui avatar image" href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}"> |
<img src="{{.Poster.RelAvatarLink}}"> |
</a> |
<span class="text grey"> |
<a class="author" href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}">{{.Poster.GetDisplayName}}</a> |
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.add_time_history" $createdStr | Safe}} |
</span> |
<div class="detail"> |
{{svg "octicon-clock"}} |
<span class="text grey">{{.Content}}</span> |
</div> |
</div> |
{{else if eq .Type 15}} |
<div class="timeline-item event" id="{{.HashTag}}"> |
<span class="badge">{{svg "octicon-clock"}}</span> |
<a class="ui avatar image" href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}"> |
<img src="{{.Poster.RelAvatarLink}}"> |
</a> |
<span class="text grey"> |
<a class="author" href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}">{{.Poster.GetDisplayName}}</a> |
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.cancel_tracking_history" $createdStr | Safe}} |
</span> |
</div> |
{{else if eq .Type 16}} |
<div class="timeline-item event" id="{{.HashTag}}"> |
<span class="badge">{{svg "octicon-clock"}}</span> |
<a class="ui avatar image" href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}"> |
<img src="{{.Poster.RelAvatarLink}}"> |
</a> |
<span class="text grey"> |
<a class="author" href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}">{{.Poster.GetDisplayName}}</a> |
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.due_date_added" .Content $createdStr | Safe}} |
</span> |
</div> |
{{else if eq .Type 17}} |
<div class="timeline-item event" id="{{.HashTag}}"> |
<span class="badge">{{svg "octicon-clock"}}</span> |
<a class="ui avatar image" href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}"> |
<img src="{{.Poster.RelAvatarLink}}"> |
</a> |
<span class="text grey"> |
<a class="author" href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}">{{.Poster.GetDisplayName}}</a> |
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.due_date_modified" (.Content | ParseDeadline) $createdStr | Safe}} |
</span> |
</div> |
{{else if eq .Type 18}} |
<div class="timeline-item event" id="{{.HashTag}}"> |
<span class="badge">{{svg "octicon-clock"}}</span> |
<a class="ui avatar image" href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}"> |
<img src="{{.Poster.RelAvatarLink}}"> |
</a> |
<span class="text grey"> |
<a class="author" href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}">{{.Poster.GetDisplayName}}</a> |
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.due_date_remove" .Content $createdStr | Safe}} |
</span> |
</div> |
{{else if eq .Type 19}} |
<div class="timeline-item event" id="{{.HashTag}}"> |
<span class="badge">{{svg "octicon-package-dependents"}}</span> |
<a class="ui avatar image" href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}"> |
<img src="{{.Poster.RelAvatarLink}}"> |
</a> |
<span class="text grey"> |
<a class="author" href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}">{{.Poster.GetDisplayName}}</a> |
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.dependency.added_dependency" $createdStr | Safe}} |
</span> |
{{if .DependentIssue}} |
<div class="detail"> |
{{svg "octicon-plus"}} |
<span class="text grey"> |
<a href="{{.DependentIssue.HTMLURL}}"> |
{{if eq .DependentIssue.RepoID .Issue.RepoID}} |
#{{.DependentIssue.Index}} {{.DependentIssue.Title}} |
{{else}} |
{{.DependentIssue.Repo.FullName}}#{{.DependentIssue.Index}} - {{.DependentIssue.Title}} |
{{end}} |
</a> |
</span> |
</div> |
{{end}} |
</div> |
{{else if eq .Type 20}} |
<div class="timeline-item event" id="{{.HashTag}}"> |
<span class="badge">{{svg "octicon-package-dependents"}}</span> |
<a class="ui avatar image" href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}"> |
<img src="{{.Poster.RelAvatarLink}}"> |
</a> |
<span class="text grey"> |
<a class="author" href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}">{{.Poster.GetDisplayName}}</a> |
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.dependency.removed_dependency" $createdStr | Safe}} |
</span> |
{{if .DependentIssue}} |
<div class="detail"> |
<span class="text grey">{{svg "octicon-trashcan"}}</span> |
<span class="text grey"> |
<a href="{{.DependentIssue.HTMLURL}}"> |
{{if eq .DependentIssue.RepoID .Issue.RepoID}} |
#{{.DependentIssue.Index}} {{.DependentIssue.Title}} |
{{else}} |
{{.DependentIssue.Repo.FullName}}#{{.DependentIssue.Index}} - {{.DependentIssue.Title}} |
{{end}} |
</a> |
</span> |
</div> |
{{end}} |
</div> |
{{else if eq .Type 22}} |
<div class="timeline-item-group"> |
<div class="timeline-item event" id="{{.HashTag}}"> |
{{if .OriginalAuthor }} |
{{else}} |
<a class="timeline-avatar"{{if gt .Poster.ID 0}} href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}"{{end}}> |
<img src="{{.Poster.RelAvatarLink}}"> |
</a> |
{{end}} |
<span class="badge {{if eq .Review.Type 1}}green |
{{- else if eq .Review.Type 2}}grey |
{{- else if eq .Review.Type 3}}red |
{{- else}}grey{{end}}">{{svg (printf "octicon-%s" .Review.Type.Icon)}}</span> |
<span class="text grey"> |
{{if .OriginalAuthor }} |
<span class="text black"><i class="fa {{MigrationIcon $.Repository.GetOriginalURLHostname}}" aria-hidden="true"></i> {{ .OriginalAuthor }}</span><span class="text grey"> {{if $.Repository.OriginalURL}}</span><span class="text migrate">({{$.i18n.Tr "repo.migrated_from" $.Repository.OriginalURL $.Repository.GetOriginalURLHostname | Safe }}){{end}}</span> |
{{else}} |
<a class="author"{{if gt .Poster.ID 0}} href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}"{{end}}>{{.Poster.GetDisplayName}}</a> |
{{end}} |
{{if eq .Review.Type 1}} |
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.review.approve" $createdStr | Safe}} |
{{else if eq .Review.Type 2}} |
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.review.comment" $createdStr | Safe}} |
{{else if eq .Review.Type 3}} |
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.review.reject" $createdStr | Safe}} |
{{else}} |
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.review.comment" $createdStr | Safe}} |
{{end}} |
</span> |
</div> |
{{if .Content}} |
<div class="timeline-item comment"> |
<div class="content"> |
<div class="ui top attached header arrow-top"> |
<span class="text grey"> |
{{if .OriginalAuthor }} |
<span class="text black"><i class="fa {{MigrationIcon $.Repository.GetOriginalURLHostname}}" aria-hidden="true"></i> {{ .OriginalAuthor }}</span><span class="text grey"> {{if $.Repository.OriginalURL}}</span><span class="text migrate">({{$.i18n.Tr "repo.migrated_from" $.Repository.OriginalURL $.Repository.GetOriginalURLHostname | Safe }}){{end}}</span> |
{{else}} |
<a class="author"{{if gt .Poster.ID 0}} href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}"{{end}}>{{.Poster.GetDisplayName}}</a> |
{{end}} |
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.review.left_comment" | Safe}} |
</span> |
</div> |
<div class="ui attached segment"> |
<div class="render-content markdown"> |
{{if .RenderedContent}} |
{{.RenderedContent|Str2html}} |
{{else}} |
<span class="no-content">{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.no_content"}}</span> |
{{end}} |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
{{end}} |
{{if .Review.CodeComments}} |
<div class="timeline-item event"> |
{{ range $filename, $lines := .Review.CodeComments}} |
{{range $line, $comms := $lines}} |
<div class="ui segments"> |
<div class="ui segment"> |
{{$invalid := (index $comms 0).Invalidated}} |
{{$resolved := (index $comms 0).IsResolved}} |
{{$resolveDoer := (index $comms 0).ResolveDoer}} |
{{$isNotPending := (not (eq (index $comms 0).Review.Type 0))}} |
{{if or $invalid $resolved}} |
<button id="show-outdated-{{(index $comms 0).ID}}" data-comment="{{(index $comms 0).ID}}" class="{{if not $resolved}}hide {{end}}ui compact right labeled button show-outdated"> |
{{svg "octicon-unfold"}} |
{{if $resolved}} |
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.review.show_resolved"}} |
{{else}} |
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.review.show_outdated"}} |
{{end}} |
</button> |
<button id="hide-outdated-{{(index $comms 0).ID}}" data-comment="{{(index $comms 0).ID}}" class="{{if $resolved}}hide {{end}}ui compact right labeled button hide-outdated"> |
{{svg "octicon-fold"}} |
{{if $resolved}} |
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.review.hide_resolved"}} |
{{else}} |
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.review.hide_outdated"}} |
{{end}} |
</button> |
{{end}} |
<a href="{{(index $comms 0).CodeCommentURL}}" class="file-comment">{{$filename}}</a> |
{{if and $invalid (not $resolved)}} |
<span class="tag"> |
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.review.outdated"}} |
</span> |
{{end}} |
</div> |
{{$diff := (CommentMustAsDiff (index $comms 0))}} |
{{if $diff}} |
{{$file := (index $diff.Files 0)}} |
<div id="code-preview-{{(index $comms 0).ID}}" class="ui table segment{{if $resolved}} hide{{end}}"> |
<div class="diff-file-box diff-box file-content {{TabSizeClass $.Editorconfig $file.Name}}"> |
<div class="file-body file-code code-view code-diff code-diff-unified"> |
<table> |
<tbody> |
{{template "repo/diff/section_unified" dict "file" $file "root" $}} |
</tbody> |
</table> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
{{end}} |
<div id="code-comments-{{(index $comms 0).ID}}" class="ui segment{{if $resolved}} hide{{end}}"> |
<div class="ui comments"> |
{{range $comms}} |
{{ $createdSubStr:= TimeSinceUnix .CreatedUnix $.Lang }} |
<div class="comment" id="{{.HashTag}}"> |
{{if not .OriginalAuthor }} |
<a class="avatar"> |
<img src="{{.Poster.RelAvatarLink}}"> |
</a> |
{{end}} |
<div class="content"> |
<div class="code-comment-content"> |
<span class="text grey"> |
{{if .OriginalAuthor }} |
<span class="text black"><i class="fa {{MigrationIcon $.Repository.GetOriginalURLHostname}}" aria-hidden="true"></i> {{ .OriginalAuthor }}</span><span class="text grey"> {{if $.Repository.OriginalURL}}</span><span class="text migrate">({{$.i18n.Tr "repo.migrated_from" $.Repository.OriginalURL $.Repository.GetOriginalURLHostname | Safe }}){{end}}</span> |
{{else}} |
<a class="author"{{if gt .Poster.ID 0}} href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}"{{end}}>{{.Poster.GetDisplayName}}</a> |
{{end}} |
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.commented_at" .HashTag $createdSubStr | Safe}} |
</span> |
<div class="text"> |
<div class="render-content markdown"> |
{{if .RenderedContent}} |
{{.RenderedContent|Str2html}} |
{{else}} |
<span class="no-content">{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.no_content"}}</span> |
{{end}} |
</div> |
<div class="raw-content hide">{{.Content}}</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
{{end}} |
</div> |
{{template "repo/diff/comment_form_datahandler" dict "hidden" true "reply" (index $comms 0).ReviewID "root" $ "comment" (index $comms 0)}} |
{{if and $.CanMarkConversation $isNotPending}} |
<button class="ui tiny button resolve-conversation" data-action="{{if not $resolved}}Resolve{{else}}UnResolve{{end}}" data-comment-id="{{(index $comms 0).ID}}" data-update-url="{{$.RepoLink}}/issues/resolve_conversation" > |
{{if $resolved}} |
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.review.un_resolve_conversation"}} |
{{else}} |
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.review.resolve_conversation"}} |
{{end}} |
</button> |
{{end}} |
{{if $resolved}} |
<span class="ui grey text"><b>{{$resolveDoer.Name}}</b> {{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.review.resolved_by"}}</span> |
{{end}} |
</div> |
</div> |
{{end}} |
{{end}} |
</div> |
{{end}} |
</div> |
{{else if eq .Type 23}} |
<div class="timeline-item event" id="{{.HashTag}}"> |
<span class="badge">{{svg "octicon-lock"}}</span> |
<a class="ui avatar image" href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}"> |
<img src="{{.Poster.RelAvatarLink}}"> |
</a> |
{{ if .Content }} |
<span class="text grey"> |
<a class="author" href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}">{{.Poster.GetDisplayName}}</a> |
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.lock_with_reason" .Content $createdStr | Safe}} |
</span> |
{{ else }} |
<span class="text grey"> |
<a class="author" href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}">{{.Poster.GetDisplayName}}</a> |
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.lock_no_reason" $createdStr | Safe}} |
</span> |
{{ end }} |
</div> |
{{else if eq .Type 24}} |
<div class="timeline-item event" id="{{.HashTag}}"> |
<span class="badge">{{svg "octicon-key"}}</span> |
<a class="ui avatar image" href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}"> |
<img src="{{.Poster.RelAvatarLink}}"> |
</a> |
<span class="text grey"> |
<a class="author" href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}">{{.Poster.GetDisplayName}}</a> |
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.unlock_comment" $createdStr | Safe}} |
</span> |
</div> |
{{else if eq .Type 25}} |
<div class="timeline-item event"> |
<span class="badge">{{svg "octicon-git-branch"}}</span> |
<a class="ui avatar image" href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}"> |
<img src="{{.Poster.RelAvatarLink}}"> |
</a> |
<span class="text grey"> |
<a href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}">{{.Poster.Name}}</a> |
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.pulls.change_target_branch_at" (.OldRef|Escape) (.NewRef|Escape) $createdStr | Safe}} |
</span> |
</div> |
{{else if eq .Type 26}} |
<div class="timeline-item event" id="{{.HashTag}}"> |
<span class="badge">{{svg "octicon-clock"}}</span> |
<a class="ui avatar image" href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}"> |
<img src="{{.Poster.RelAvatarLink}}"> |
</a> |
<span class="text grey"> |
<a class="author" href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}">{{.Poster.GetDisplayName}}</a> |
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.del_time_history" $createdStr | Safe}} |
</span> |
<div class="detail"> |
{{svg "octicon-clock"}} |
<span class="text grey">{{.Content}}</span> |
</div> |
</div> |
{{else if eq .Type 27}} |
<div class="timeline-item event" id="{{.HashTag}}"> |
<span class="badge">{{svg "octicon-eye"}}</span> |
<a class="ui avatar image" href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}"> |
<img src="{{.Poster.RelAvatarLink}}"> |
</a> |
<span class="text grey"> |
<a class="author" href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}">{{.Poster.GetDisplayName}}</a> |
{{if (gt .AssigneeID 0)}} |
{{if .RemovedAssignee}} |
{{if eq .PosterID .AssigneeID}} |
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.review.remove_review_request_self" $createdStr | Safe}} |
{{else}} |
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.review.remove_review_request" (.Assignee.GetDisplayName|Escape) $createdStr | Safe}} |
{{end}} |
{{else}} |
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.review.add_review_request" (.Assignee.GetDisplayName|Escape) $createdStr | Safe}} |
{{end}} |
{{else}} |
{{if .RemovedAssignee}} |
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.review.remove_review_request" (.AssigneeTeam.Name|Escape) $createdStr | Safe}} |
{{else}} |
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.review.add_review_request" (.AssigneeTeam.Name|Escape) $createdStr | Safe}} |
{{end}} |
{{end}} |
</span> |
</div> |
{{else if and (eq .Type 29) (or (gt .CommitsNum 0) .IsForcePush)}} |
<div class="timeline-item event" id="{{.HashTag}}"> |
<span class="badge">{{svg "octicon-repo-push"}}</span> |
<span class="text grey"> |
<a class="author" href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}">{{.Poster.GetDisplayName}}</a> |
{{ if .IsForcePush }} |
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.force_push_codes" $.Issue.PullRequest.HeadBranch (ShortSha .OldCommit) ($.Issue.Repo.CommitLink .OldCommit) (ShortSha .NewCommit) ($.Issue.Repo.CommitLink .NewCommit) $createdStr | Safe}} |
{{else}} |
{{$.i18n.Tr (TrN $.i18n.Lang .Commits.Len "repo.issues.push_commit_1" "repo.issues.push_commits_n") .Commits.Len $createdStr | Safe}} |
{{end}} |
</span> |
</div> |
{{if not .IsForcePush}} |
{{template "repo/commits_list_small" dict "comment" . "root" $}} |
{{end}} |
{{else if eq .Type 30}} |
{{if not $.UnitProjectsGlobalDisabled}} |
<div class="timeline-item event" id="{{.HashTag}}"> |
<span class="badge">{{svg "octicon-project"}}</span> |
<a class="ui avatar image" href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}"> |
<img src="{{.Poster.RelAvatarLink}}"> |
</a> |
<span class="text grey"> |
<a class="author" href="{{.Poster.HomeLink}}">{{.Poster.GetDisplayName}}</a> |
{{if gt .OldProjectID 0}} |
{{if gt .ProjectID 0}} |
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.change_project_at" (.OldProject.Title|Escape) (.Project.Title|Escape) $createdStr | Safe}} |
{{else}} |
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.remove_project_at" (.OldProject.Title|Escape) $createdStr | Safe}} |
{{end}} |
{{else if gt .ProjectID 0}} |
{{$.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.add_project_at" (.Project.Title|Escape) $createdStr | Safe}} |
{{end}} |
</span> |
</div> |
{{end}} |
{{end}} |