Платформа ЦРНП "Мирокод" для разработки проектов
356 lines
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356 lines
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// Copyright 2017 Gitea. All rights reserved. |
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style |
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
package models |
import ( |
"crypto/sha1" |
"fmt" |
"net/url" |
"strings" |
"time" |
"code.gitea.io/gitea/models/db" |
user_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/user" |
"code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/log" |
"code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/setting" |
api "code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/structs" |
"code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/timeutil" |
"xorm.io/xorm" |
) |
// CommitStatus holds a single Status of a single Commit |
type CommitStatus struct { |
ID int64 `xorm:"pk autoincr"` |
Index int64 `xorm:"INDEX UNIQUE(repo_sha_index)"` |
RepoID int64 `xorm:"INDEX UNIQUE(repo_sha_index)"` |
Repo *Repository `xorm:"-"` |
State api.CommitStatusState `xorm:"VARCHAR(7) NOT NULL"` |
SHA string `xorm:"VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL INDEX UNIQUE(repo_sha_index)"` |
TargetURL string `xorm:"TEXT"` |
Description string `xorm:"TEXT"` |
ContextHash string `xorm:"char(40) index"` |
Context string `xorm:"TEXT"` |
Creator *user_model.User `xorm:"-"` |
CreatorID int64 |
CreatedUnix timeutil.TimeStamp `xorm:"INDEX created"` |
UpdatedUnix timeutil.TimeStamp `xorm:"INDEX updated"` |
} |
func init() { |
db.RegisterModel(new(CommitStatus)) |
db.RegisterModel(new(CommitStatusIndex)) |
} |
// upsertCommitStatusIndex the function will not return until it acquires the lock or receives an error. |
func upsertCommitStatusIndex(e db.Engine, repoID int64, sha string) (err error) { |
// An atomic UPSERT operation (INSERT/UPDATE) is the only operation |
// that ensures that the key is actually locked. |
switch { |
case setting.Database.UseSQLite3 || setting.Database.UsePostgreSQL: |
_, err = e.Exec("INSERT INTO `commit_status_index` (repo_id, sha, max_index) "+ |
"VALUES (?,?,1) ON CONFLICT (repo_id,sha) DO UPDATE SET max_index = `commit_status_index`.max_index+1", |
repoID, sha) |
case setting.Database.UseMySQL: |
_, err = e.Exec("INSERT INTO `commit_status_index` (repo_id, sha, max_index) "+ |
"VALUES (?,?,1) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE max_index = max_index+1", |
repoID, sha) |
case setting.Database.UseMSSQL: |
// https://weblogs.sqlteam.com/dang/2009/01/31/upsert-race-condition-with-merge/ |
_, err = e.Exec("MERGE `commit_status_index` WITH (HOLDLOCK) as target "+ |
"USING (SELECT ? AS repo_id, ? AS sha) AS src "+ |
"ON src.repo_id = target.repo_id AND src.sha = target.sha "+ |
"WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET target.max_index = target.max_index+1 "+ |
"WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (repo_id, sha, max_index) "+ |
"VALUES (src.repo_id, src.sha, 1);", |
repoID, sha) |
default: |
return fmt.Errorf("database type not supported") |
} |
return |
} |
// GetNextCommitStatusIndex retried 3 times to generate a resource index |
func GetNextCommitStatusIndex(repoID int64, sha string) (int64, error) { |
for i := 0; i < db.MaxDupIndexAttempts; i++ { |
idx, err := getNextCommitStatusIndex(repoID, sha) |
if err == db.ErrResouceOutdated { |
continue |
} |
if err != nil { |
return 0, err |
} |
return idx, nil |
} |
return 0, db.ErrGetResourceIndexFailed |
} |
// getNextCommitStatusIndex return the next index |
func getNextCommitStatusIndex(repoID int64, sha string) (int64, error) { |
ctx, commiter, err := db.TxContext() |
if err != nil { |
return 0, err |
} |
defer commiter.Close() |
var preIdx int64 |
_, err = ctx.Engine().SQL("SELECT max_index FROM `commit_status_index` WHERE repo_id = ? AND sha = ?", repoID, sha).Get(&preIdx) |
if err != nil { |
return 0, err |
} |
if err := upsertCommitStatusIndex(ctx.Engine(), repoID, sha); err != nil { |
return 0, err |
} |
var curIdx int64 |
has, err := ctx.Engine().SQL("SELECT max_index FROM `commit_status_index` WHERE repo_id = ? AND sha = ? AND max_index=?", repoID, sha, preIdx+1).Get(&curIdx) |
if err != nil { |
return 0, err |
} |
if !has { |
return 0, db.ErrResouceOutdated |
} |
if err := commiter.Commit(); err != nil { |
return 0, err |
} |
return curIdx, nil |
} |
func (status *CommitStatus) loadAttributes(e db.Engine) (err error) { |
if status.Repo == nil { |
status.Repo, err = getRepositoryByID(e, status.RepoID) |
if err != nil { |
return fmt.Errorf("getRepositoryByID [%d]: %v", status.RepoID, err) |
} |
} |
if status.Creator == nil && status.CreatorID > 0 { |
status.Creator, err = user_model.GetUserByIDEngine(e, status.CreatorID) |
if err != nil { |
return fmt.Errorf("getUserByID [%d]: %v", status.CreatorID, err) |
} |
} |
return nil |
} |
// APIURL returns the absolute APIURL to this commit-status. |
func (status *CommitStatus) APIURL() string { |
_ = status.loadAttributes(db.GetEngine(db.DefaultContext)) |
return status.Repo.APIURL() + "/statuses/" + url.PathEscape(status.SHA) |
} |
// CalcCommitStatus returns commit status state via some status, the commit statues should order by id desc |
func CalcCommitStatus(statuses []*CommitStatus) *CommitStatus { |
var lastStatus *CommitStatus |
var state api.CommitStatusState |
for _, status := range statuses { |
if status.State.NoBetterThan(state) { |
state = status.State |
lastStatus = status |
} |
} |
if lastStatus == nil { |
if len(statuses) > 0 { |
lastStatus = statuses[0] |
} else { |
lastStatus = &CommitStatus{} |
} |
} |
return lastStatus |
} |
// CommitStatusOptions holds the options for query commit statuses |
type CommitStatusOptions struct { |
db.ListOptions |
State string |
SortType string |
} |
// GetCommitStatuses returns all statuses for a given commit. |
func GetCommitStatuses(repo *Repository, sha string, opts *CommitStatusOptions) ([]*CommitStatus, int64, error) { |
if opts.Page <= 0 { |
opts.Page = 1 |
} |
if opts.PageSize <= 0 { |
opts.Page = ItemsPerPage |
} |
countSession := listCommitStatusesStatement(repo, sha, opts) |
countSession = db.SetSessionPagination(countSession, opts) |
maxResults, err := countSession.Count(new(CommitStatus)) |
if err != nil { |
log.Error("Count PRs: %v", err) |
return nil, maxResults, err |
} |
statuses := make([]*CommitStatus, 0, opts.PageSize) |
findSession := listCommitStatusesStatement(repo, sha, opts) |
findSession = db.SetSessionPagination(findSession, opts) |
sortCommitStatusesSession(findSession, opts.SortType) |
return statuses, maxResults, findSession.Find(&statuses) |
} |
func listCommitStatusesStatement(repo *Repository, sha string, opts *CommitStatusOptions) *xorm.Session { |
sess := db.GetEngine(db.DefaultContext).Where("repo_id = ?", repo.ID).And("sha = ?", sha) |
switch opts.State { |
case "pending", "success", "error", "failure", "warning": |
sess.And("state = ?", opts.State) |
} |
return sess |
} |
func sortCommitStatusesSession(sess *xorm.Session, sortType string) { |
switch sortType { |
case "oldest": |
sess.Asc("created_unix") |
case "recentupdate": |
sess.Desc("updated_unix") |
case "leastupdate": |
sess.Asc("updated_unix") |
case "leastindex": |
sess.Desc("index") |
case "highestindex": |
sess.Asc("index") |
default: |
sess.Desc("created_unix") |
} |
} |
// CommitStatusIndex represents a table for commit status index |
type CommitStatusIndex struct { |
ID int64 |
RepoID int64 `xorm:"unique(repo_sha)"` |
SHA string `xorm:"unique(repo_sha)"` |
MaxIndex int64 `xorm:"index"` |
} |
// GetLatestCommitStatus returns all statuses with a unique context for a given commit. |
func GetLatestCommitStatus(repoID int64, sha string, listOptions db.ListOptions) ([]*CommitStatus, error) { |
return getLatestCommitStatus(db.GetEngine(db.DefaultContext), repoID, sha, listOptions) |
} |
func getLatestCommitStatus(e db.Engine, repoID int64, sha string, listOptions db.ListOptions) ([]*CommitStatus, error) { |
ids := make([]int64, 0, 10) |
sess := e.Table(&CommitStatus{}). |
Where("repo_id = ?", repoID).And("sha = ?", sha). |
Select("max( id ) as id"). |
GroupBy("context_hash").OrderBy("max( id ) desc") |
sess = db.SetSessionPagination(sess, &listOptions) |
err := sess.Find(&ids) |
if err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
statuses := make([]*CommitStatus, 0, len(ids)) |
if len(ids) == 0 { |
return statuses, nil |
} |
return statuses, e.In("id", ids).Find(&statuses) |
} |
// FindRepoRecentCommitStatusContexts returns repository's recent commit status contexts |
func FindRepoRecentCommitStatusContexts(repoID int64, before time.Duration) ([]string, error) { |
start := timeutil.TimeStampNow().AddDuration(-before) |
ids := make([]int64, 0, 10) |
if err := db.GetEngine(db.DefaultContext).Table("commit_status"). |
Where("repo_id = ?", repoID). |
And("updated_unix >= ?", start). |
Select("max( id ) as id"). |
GroupBy("context_hash").OrderBy("max( id ) desc"). |
Find(&ids); err != nil { |
return nil, err |
} |
contexts := make([]string, 0, len(ids)) |
if len(ids) == 0 { |
return contexts, nil |
} |
return contexts, db.GetEngine(db.DefaultContext).Select("context").Table("commit_status").In("id", ids).Find(&contexts) |
} |
// NewCommitStatusOptions holds options for creating a CommitStatus |
type NewCommitStatusOptions struct { |
Repo *Repository |
Creator *user_model.User |
SHA string |
CommitStatus *CommitStatus |
} |
// NewCommitStatus save commit statuses into database |
func NewCommitStatus(opts NewCommitStatusOptions) error { |
if opts.Repo == nil { |
return fmt.Errorf("NewCommitStatus[nil, %s]: no repository specified", opts.SHA) |
} |
repoPath := opts.Repo.RepoPath() |
if opts.Creator == nil { |
return fmt.Errorf("NewCommitStatus[%s, %s]: no user specified", repoPath, opts.SHA) |
} |
// Get the next Status Index |
idx, err := GetNextCommitStatusIndex(opts.Repo.ID, opts.SHA) |
if err != nil { |
return fmt.Errorf("generate commit status index failed: %v", err) |
} |
ctx, committer, err := db.TxContext() |
if err != nil { |
return fmt.Errorf("NewCommitStatus[repo_id: %d, user_id: %d, sha: %s]: %v", opts.Repo.ID, opts.Creator.ID, opts.SHA, err) |
} |
defer committer.Close() |
opts.CommitStatus.Description = strings.TrimSpace(opts.CommitStatus.Description) |
opts.CommitStatus.Context = strings.TrimSpace(opts.CommitStatus.Context) |
opts.CommitStatus.TargetURL = strings.TrimSpace(opts.CommitStatus.TargetURL) |
opts.CommitStatus.SHA = opts.SHA |
opts.CommitStatus.CreatorID = opts.Creator.ID |
opts.CommitStatus.RepoID = opts.Repo.ID |
opts.CommitStatus.Index = idx |
log.Debug("NewCommitStatus[%s, %s]: %d", repoPath, opts.SHA, opts.CommitStatus.Index) |
opts.CommitStatus.ContextHash = hashCommitStatusContext(opts.CommitStatus.Context) |
// Insert new CommitStatus |
if _, err = db.GetEngine(ctx).Insert(opts.CommitStatus); err != nil { |
return fmt.Errorf("Insert CommitStatus[%s, %s]: %v", repoPath, opts.SHA, err) |
} |
return committer.Commit() |
} |
// SignCommitWithStatuses represents a commit with validation of signature and status state. |
type SignCommitWithStatuses struct { |
Status *CommitStatus |
Statuses []*CommitStatus |
*SignCommit |
} |
// ParseCommitsWithStatus checks commits latest statuses and calculates its worst status state |
func ParseCommitsWithStatus(oldCommits []*SignCommit, repo *Repository) []*SignCommitWithStatuses { |
newCommits := make([]*SignCommitWithStatuses, 0, len(oldCommits)) |
for _, c := range oldCommits { |
commit := &SignCommitWithStatuses{ |
SignCommit: c, |
} |
statuses, err := GetLatestCommitStatus(repo.ID, commit.ID.String(), db.ListOptions{}) |
if err != nil { |
log.Error("GetLatestCommitStatus: %v", err) |
} else { |
commit.Statuses = statuses |
commit.Status = CalcCommitStatus(statuses) |
} |
newCommits = append(newCommits, commit) |
} |
return newCommits |
} |
// hashCommitStatusContext hash context |
func hashCommitStatusContext(context string) string { |
return fmt.Sprintf("%x", sha1.Sum([]byte(context))) |