Платформа ЦРНП "Мирокод" для разработки проектов
469 lines
14 KiB
469 lines
14 KiB
// CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others |
// Distributed under an MIT license: http://codemirror.net/LICENSE |
(function(mod) { |
if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") { // CommonJS |
mod(require("../../lib/codemirror")); |
} else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) { // AMD |
define(["../../lib/codemirror"], mod); |
} else { // Plain browser env |
mod(CodeMirror); |
} |
})(function(CodeMirror) { |
"use strict"; |
var TOKEN_STYLES = { |
addition: "positive", |
attributes: "attribute", |
bold: "strong", |
cite: "keyword", |
code: "atom", |
definitionList: "number", |
deletion: "negative", |
div: "punctuation", |
em: "em", |
footnote: "variable", |
footCite: "qualifier", |
header: "header", |
html: "comment", |
image: "string", |
italic: "em", |
link: "link", |
linkDefinition: "link", |
list1: "variable-2", |
list2: "variable-3", |
list3: "keyword", |
notextile: "string-2", |
pre: "operator", |
p: "property", |
quote: "bracket", |
span: "quote", |
specialChar: "tag", |
strong: "strong", |
sub: "builtin", |
sup: "builtin", |
table: "variable-3", |
tableHeading: "operator" |
}; |
function startNewLine(stream, state) { |
state.mode = Modes.newLayout; |
state.tableHeading = false; |
if (state.layoutType === "definitionList" && state.spanningLayout && |
stream.match(RE("definitionListEnd"), false)) |
state.spanningLayout = false; |
} |
function handlePhraseModifier(stream, state, ch) { |
if (ch === "_") { |
if (stream.eat("_")) |
return togglePhraseModifier(stream, state, "italic", /__/, 2); |
else |
return togglePhraseModifier(stream, state, "em", /_/, 1); |
} |
if (ch === "*") { |
if (stream.eat("*")) { |
return togglePhraseModifier(stream, state, "bold", /\*\*/, 2); |
} |
return togglePhraseModifier(stream, state, "strong", /\*/, 1); |
} |
if (ch === "[") { |
if (stream.match(/\d+\]/)) state.footCite = true; |
return tokenStyles(state); |
} |
if (ch === "(") { |
var spec = stream.match(/^(r|tm|c)\)/); |
if (spec) |
return tokenStylesWith(state, TOKEN_STYLES.specialChar); |
} |
if (ch === "<" && stream.match(/(\w+)[^>]+>[^<]+<\/\1>/)) |
return tokenStylesWith(state, TOKEN_STYLES.html); |
if (ch === "?" && stream.eat("?")) |
return togglePhraseModifier(stream, state, "cite", /\?\?/, 2); |
if (ch === "=" && stream.eat("=")) |
return togglePhraseModifier(stream, state, "notextile", /==/, 2); |
if (ch === "-" && !stream.eat("-")) |
return togglePhraseModifier(stream, state, "deletion", /-/, 1); |
if (ch === "+") |
return togglePhraseModifier(stream, state, "addition", /\+/, 1); |
if (ch === "~") |
return togglePhraseModifier(stream, state, "sub", /~/, 1); |
if (ch === "^") |
return togglePhraseModifier(stream, state, "sup", /\^/, 1); |
if (ch === "%") |
return togglePhraseModifier(stream, state, "span", /%/, 1); |
if (ch === "@") |
return togglePhraseModifier(stream, state, "code", /@/, 1); |
if (ch === "!") { |
var type = togglePhraseModifier(stream, state, "image", /(?:\([^\)]+\))?!/, 1); |
stream.match(/^:\S+/); // optional Url portion |
return type; |
} |
return tokenStyles(state); |
} |
function togglePhraseModifier(stream, state, phraseModifier, closeRE, openSize) { |
var charBefore = stream.pos > openSize ? stream.string.charAt(stream.pos - openSize - 1) : null; |
var charAfter = stream.peek(); |
if (state[phraseModifier]) { |
if ((!charAfter || /\W/.test(charAfter)) && charBefore && /\S/.test(charBefore)) { |
var type = tokenStyles(state); |
state[phraseModifier] = false; |
return type; |
} |
} else if ((!charBefore || /\W/.test(charBefore)) && charAfter && /\S/.test(charAfter) && |
stream.match(new RegExp("^.*\\S" + closeRE.source + "(?:\\W|$)"), false)) { |
state[phraseModifier] = true; |
state.mode = Modes.attributes; |
} |
return tokenStyles(state); |
}; |
function tokenStyles(state) { |
var disabled = textileDisabled(state); |
if (disabled) return disabled; |
var styles = []; |
if (state.layoutType) styles.push(TOKEN_STYLES[state.layoutType]); |
styles = styles.concat(activeStyles( |
state, "addition", "bold", "cite", "code", "deletion", "em", "footCite", |
"image", "italic", "link", "span", "strong", "sub", "sup", "table", "tableHeading")); |
if (state.layoutType === "header") |
styles.push(TOKEN_STYLES.header + "-" + state.header); |
return styles.length ? styles.join(" ") : null; |
} |
function textileDisabled(state) { |
var type = state.layoutType; |
switch(type) { |
case "notextile": |
case "code": |
case "pre": |
return TOKEN_STYLES[type]; |
default: |
if (state.notextile) |
return TOKEN_STYLES.notextile + (type ? (" " + TOKEN_STYLES[type]) : ""); |
return null; |
} |
} |
function tokenStylesWith(state, extraStyles) { |
var disabled = textileDisabled(state); |
if (disabled) return disabled; |
var type = tokenStyles(state); |
if (extraStyles) |
return type ? (type + " " + extraStyles) : extraStyles; |
else |
return type; |
} |
function activeStyles(state) { |
var styles = []; |
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; ++i) { |
if (state[arguments[i]]) |
styles.push(TOKEN_STYLES[arguments[i]]); |
} |
return styles; |
} |
function blankLine(state) { |
var spanningLayout = state.spanningLayout, type = state.layoutType; |
for (var key in state) if (state.hasOwnProperty(key)) |
delete state[key]; |
state.mode = Modes.newLayout; |
if (spanningLayout) { |
state.layoutType = type; |
state.spanningLayout = true; |
} |
} |
var REs = { |
cache: {}, |
single: { |
bc: "bc", |
bq: "bq", |
definitionList: /- [^(?::=)]+:=+/, |
definitionListEnd: /.*=:\s*$/, |
div: "div", |
drawTable: /\|.*\|/, |
foot: /fn\d+/, |
header: /h[1-6]/, |
html: /\s*<(?:\/)?(\w+)(?:[^>]+)?>(?:[^<]+<\/\1>)?/, |
link: /[^"]+":\S/, |
linkDefinition: /\[[^\s\]]+\]\S+/, |
list: /(?:#+|\*+)/, |
notextile: "notextile", |
para: "p", |
pre: "pre", |
table: "table", |
tableCellAttributes: /[\/\\]\d+/, |
tableHeading: /\|_\./, |
tableText: /[^"_\*\[\(\?\+~\^%@|-]+/, |
text: /[^!"_=\*\[\(<\?\+~\^%@-]+/ |
}, |
attributes: { |
align: /(?:<>|<|>|=)/, |
selector: /\([^\(][^\)]+\)/, |
lang: /\[[^\[\]]+\]/, |
pad: /(?:\(+|\)+){1,2}/, |
css: /\{[^\}]+\}/ |
}, |
createRe: function(name) { |
switch (name) { |
case "drawTable": |
return REs.makeRe("^", REs.single.drawTable, "$"); |
case "html": |
return REs.makeRe("^", REs.single.html, "(?:", REs.single.html, ")*", "$"); |
case "linkDefinition": |
return REs.makeRe("^", REs.single.linkDefinition, "$"); |
case "listLayout": |
return REs.makeRe("^", REs.single.list, RE("allAttributes"), "*\\s+"); |
case "tableCellAttributes": |
return REs.makeRe("^", REs.choiceRe(REs.single.tableCellAttributes, |
RE("allAttributes")), "+\\."); |
case "type": |
return REs.makeRe("^", RE("allTypes")); |
case "typeLayout": |
return REs.makeRe("^", RE("allTypes"), RE("allAttributes"), |
"*\\.\\.?", "(\\s+|$)"); |
case "attributes": |
return REs.makeRe("^", RE("allAttributes"), "+"); |
case "allTypes": |
return REs.choiceRe(REs.single.div, REs.single.foot, |
REs.single.header, REs.single.bc, REs.single.bq, |
REs.single.notextile, REs.single.pre, REs.single.table, |
REs.single.para); |
case "allAttributes": |
return REs.choiceRe(REs.attributes.selector, REs.attributes.css, |
REs.attributes.lang, REs.attributes.align, REs.attributes.pad); |
default: |
return REs.makeRe("^", REs.single[name]); |
} |
}, |
makeRe: function() { |
var pattern = ""; |
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; ++i) { |
var arg = arguments[i]; |
pattern += (typeof arg === "string") ? arg : arg.source; |
} |
return new RegExp(pattern); |
}, |
choiceRe: function() { |
var parts = [arguments[0]]; |
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; ++i) { |
parts[i * 2 - 1] = "|"; |
parts[i * 2] = arguments[i]; |
} |
parts.unshift("(?:"); |
parts.push(")"); |
return REs.makeRe.apply(null, parts); |
} |
}; |
function RE(name) { |
return (REs.cache[name] || (REs.cache[name] = REs.createRe(name))); |
} |
var Modes = { |
newLayout: function(stream, state) { |
if (stream.match(RE("typeLayout"), false)) { |
state.spanningLayout = false; |
return (state.mode = Modes.blockType)(stream, state); |
} |
var newMode; |
if (!textileDisabled(state)) { |
if (stream.match(RE("listLayout"), false)) |
newMode = Modes.list; |
else if (stream.match(RE("drawTable"), false)) |
newMode = Modes.table; |
else if (stream.match(RE("linkDefinition"), false)) |
newMode = Modes.linkDefinition; |
else if (stream.match(RE("definitionList"))) |
newMode = Modes.definitionList; |
else if (stream.match(RE("html"), false)) |
newMode = Modes.html; |
} |
return (state.mode = (newMode || Modes.text))(stream, state); |
}, |
blockType: function(stream, state) { |
var match, type; |
state.layoutType = null; |
if (match = stream.match(RE("type"))) |
type = match[0]; |
else |
return (state.mode = Modes.text)(stream, state); |
if (match = type.match(RE("header"))) { |
state.layoutType = "header"; |
state.header = parseInt(match[0][1]); |
} else if (type.match(RE("bq"))) { |
state.layoutType = "quote"; |
} else if (type.match(RE("bc"))) { |
state.layoutType = "code"; |
} else if (type.match(RE("foot"))) { |
state.layoutType = "footnote"; |
} else if (type.match(RE("notextile"))) { |
state.layoutType = "notextile"; |
} else if (type.match(RE("pre"))) { |
state.layoutType = "pre"; |
} else if (type.match(RE("div"))) { |
state.layoutType = "div"; |
} else if (type.match(RE("table"))) { |
state.layoutType = "table"; |
} |
state.mode = Modes.attributes; |
return tokenStyles(state); |
}, |
text: function(stream, state) { |
if (stream.match(RE("text"))) return tokenStyles(state); |
var ch = stream.next(); |
if (ch === '"') |
return (state.mode = Modes.link)(stream, state); |
return handlePhraseModifier(stream, state, ch); |
}, |
attributes: function(stream, state) { |
state.mode = Modes.layoutLength; |
if (stream.match(RE("attributes"))) |
return tokenStylesWith(state, TOKEN_STYLES.attributes); |
else |
return tokenStyles(state); |
}, |
layoutLength: function(stream, state) { |
if (stream.eat(".") && stream.eat(".")) |
state.spanningLayout = true; |
state.mode = Modes.text; |
return tokenStyles(state); |
}, |
list: function(stream, state) { |
var match = stream.match(RE("list")); |
state.listDepth = match[0].length; |
var listMod = (state.listDepth - 1) % 3; |
if (!listMod) |
state.layoutType = "list1"; |
else if (listMod === 1) |
state.layoutType = "list2"; |
else |
state.layoutType = "list3"; |
state.mode = Modes.attributes; |
return tokenStyles(state); |
}, |
link: function(stream, state) { |
state.mode = Modes.text; |
if (stream.match(RE("link"))) { |
stream.match(/\S+/); |
return tokenStylesWith(state, TOKEN_STYLES.link); |
} |
return tokenStyles(state); |
}, |
linkDefinition: function(stream, state) { |
stream.skipToEnd(); |
return tokenStylesWith(state, TOKEN_STYLES.linkDefinition); |
}, |
definitionList: function(stream, state) { |
stream.match(RE("definitionList")); |
state.layoutType = "definitionList"; |
if (stream.match(/\s*$/)) |
state.spanningLayout = true; |
else |
state.mode = Modes.attributes; |
return tokenStyles(state); |
}, |
html: function(stream, state) { |
stream.skipToEnd(); |
return tokenStylesWith(state, TOKEN_STYLES.html); |
}, |
table: function(stream, state) { |
state.layoutType = "table"; |
return (state.mode = Modes.tableCell)(stream, state); |
}, |
tableCell: function(stream, state) { |
if (stream.match(RE("tableHeading"))) |
state.tableHeading = true; |
else |
stream.eat("|"); |
state.mode = Modes.tableCellAttributes; |
return tokenStyles(state); |
}, |
tableCellAttributes: function(stream, state) { |
state.mode = Modes.tableText; |
if (stream.match(RE("tableCellAttributes"))) |
return tokenStylesWith(state, TOKEN_STYLES.attributes); |
else |
return tokenStyles(state); |
}, |
tableText: function(stream, state) { |
if (stream.match(RE("tableText"))) |
return tokenStyles(state); |
if (stream.peek() === "|") { // end of cell |
state.mode = Modes.tableCell; |
return tokenStyles(state); |
} |
return handlePhraseModifier(stream, state, stream.next()); |
} |
}; |
CodeMirror.defineMode("textile", function() { |
return { |
startState: function() { |
return { mode: Modes.newLayout }; |
}, |
token: function(stream, state) { |
if (stream.sol()) startNewLine(stream, state); |
return state.mode(stream, state); |
}, |
blankLine: blankLine |
}; |
}); |
CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-textile", "textile"); |