Платформа ЦРНП "Мирокод" для разработки проектов
415 lines
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415 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2016 Yasuhiro Matsumoto <mattn.jp@gmail.com>. |
// TODO: add "Gimpl do foo" team? |
// |
// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style |
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
// +build trace |
package sqlite3 |
/* |
#ifndef USE_LIBSQLITE3 |
#include <sqlite3-binding.h> |
#else |
#include <sqlite3.h> |
#endif |
#include <stdlib.h> |
void stepTrampoline(sqlite3_context*, int, sqlite3_value**); |
void doneTrampoline(sqlite3_context*); |
void traceCallbackTrampoline(unsigned traceEventCode, void *ctx, void *p, void *x); |
*/ |
import "C" |
import ( |
"errors" |
"fmt" |
"reflect" |
"strings" |
"sync" |
"unsafe" |
) |
// Trace... constants identify the possible events causing callback invocation. |
// Values are same as the corresponding SQLite Trace Event Codes. |
const ( |
) |
type TraceInfo struct { |
// Pack together the shorter fields, to keep the struct smaller. |
// On a 64-bit machine there would be padding |
// between EventCode and ConnHandle; having AutoCommit here is "free": |
EventCode uint32 |
AutoCommit bool |
ConnHandle uintptr |
// Usually filled, unless EventCode = TraceClose = SQLITE_TRACE_CLOSE: |
// identifier for a prepared statement: |
StmtHandle uintptr |
// Two strings filled when EventCode = TraceStmt = SQLITE_TRACE_STMT: |
// (1) either the unexpanded SQL text of the prepared statement, or |
// an SQL comment that indicates the invocation of a trigger; |
// (2) expanded SQL, if requested and if (1) is not an SQL comment. |
StmtOrTrigger string |
ExpandedSQL string // only if requested (TraceConfig.WantExpandedSQL = true) |
// filled when EventCode = TraceProfile = SQLITE_TRACE_PROFILE: |
// estimated number of nanoseconds that the prepared statement took to run: |
RunTimeNanosec int64 |
DBError Error |
} |
// TraceUserCallback gives the signature for a trace function |
// provided by the user (Go application programmer). |
// SQLite 3.14 documentation (as of September 2, 2016) |
// for SQL Trace Hook = sqlite3_trace_v2(): |
// The integer return value from the callback is currently ignored, |
// though this may change in future releases. Callback implementations |
// should return zero to ensure future compatibility. |
type TraceUserCallback func(TraceInfo) int |
type TraceConfig struct { |
Callback TraceUserCallback |
EventMask uint |
WantExpandedSQL bool |
} |
func fillDBError(dbErr *Error, db *C.sqlite3) { |
// See SQLiteConn.lastError(), in file 'sqlite3.go' at the time of writing (Sept 5, 2016) |
dbErr.Code = ErrNo(C.sqlite3_errcode(db)) |
dbErr.ExtendedCode = ErrNoExtended(C.sqlite3_extended_errcode(db)) |
dbErr.err = C.GoString(C.sqlite3_errmsg(db)) |
} |
func fillExpandedSQL(info *TraceInfo, db *C.sqlite3, pStmt unsafe.Pointer) { |
if pStmt == nil { |
panic("No SQLite statement pointer in P arg of trace_v2 callback") |
} |
expSQLiteCStr := C.sqlite3_expanded_sql((*C.sqlite3_stmt)(pStmt)) |
if expSQLiteCStr == nil { |
fillDBError(&info.DBError, db) |
return |
} |
info.ExpandedSQL = C.GoString(expSQLiteCStr) |
} |
//export traceCallbackTrampoline |
func traceCallbackTrampoline( |
traceEventCode uint, |
// Parameter named 'C' in SQLite docs = Context given at registration: |
ctx unsafe.Pointer, |
// Parameter named 'P' in SQLite docs (Primary event data?): |
p unsafe.Pointer, |
// Parameter named 'X' in SQLite docs (eXtra event data?): |
xValue unsafe.Pointer) int { |
if ctx == nil { |
panic(fmt.Sprintf("No context (ev 0x%x)", traceEventCode)) |
} |
contextDB := (*C.sqlite3)(ctx) |
connHandle := uintptr(ctx) |
var traceConf TraceConfig |
var found bool |
if traceEventCode == TraceClose { |
// clean up traceMap: 'pop' means get and delete |
traceConf, found = popTraceMapping(connHandle) |
} else { |
traceConf, found = lookupTraceMapping(connHandle) |
} |
if !found { |
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Mapping not found for handle 0x%x (ev 0x%x)", |
connHandle, traceEventCode)) |
} |
var info TraceInfo |
info.EventCode = uint32(traceEventCode) |
info.AutoCommit = (int(C.sqlite3_get_autocommit(contextDB)) != 0) |
info.ConnHandle = connHandle |
switch traceEventCode { |
case TraceStmt: |
info.StmtHandle = uintptr(p) |
var xStr string |
if xValue != nil { |
xStr = C.GoString((*C.char)(xValue)) |
} |
info.StmtOrTrigger = xStr |
if !strings.HasPrefix(xStr, "--") { |
// Not SQL comment, therefore the current event |
// is not related to a trigger. |
// The user might want to receive the expanded SQL; |
// let's check: |
if traceConf.WantExpandedSQL { |
fillExpandedSQL(&info, contextDB, p) |
} |
} |
case TraceProfile: |
info.StmtHandle = uintptr(p) |
if xValue == nil { |
panic("NULL pointer in X arg of trace_v2 callback for SQLITE_TRACE_PROFILE event") |
} |
info.RunTimeNanosec = *(*int64)(xValue) |
// sample the error //TODO: is it safe? is it useful? |
fillDBError(&info.DBError, contextDB) |
case TraceRow: |
info.StmtHandle = uintptr(p) |
case TraceClose: |
handle := uintptr(p) |
if handle != info.ConnHandle { |
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Different conn handle 0x%x (expected 0x%x) in SQLITE_TRACE_CLOSE event.", |
handle, info.ConnHandle)) |
} |
default: |
// Pass unsupported events to the user callback (if configured); |
// let the user callback decide whether to panic or ignore them. |
} |
// Do not execute user callback when the event was not requested by user! |
// Remember that the Close event is always selected when |
// registering this callback trampoline with SQLite --- for cleanup. |
// In the future there may be more events forced to "selected" in SQLite |
// for the driver's needs. |
if traceConf.EventMask&traceEventCode == 0 { |
return 0 |
} |
r := 0 |
if traceConf.Callback != nil { |
r = traceConf.Callback(info) |
} |
return r |
} |
type traceMapEntry struct { |
config TraceConfig |
} |
var traceMapLock sync.Mutex |
var traceMap = make(map[uintptr]traceMapEntry) |
func addTraceMapping(connHandle uintptr, traceConf TraceConfig) { |
traceMapLock.Lock() |
defer traceMapLock.Unlock() |
oldEntryCopy, found := traceMap[connHandle] |
if found { |
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Adding trace config %v: handle 0x%x already registered (%v).", |
traceConf, connHandle, oldEntryCopy.config)) |
} |
traceMap[connHandle] = traceMapEntry{config: traceConf} |
fmt.Printf("Added trace config %v: handle 0x%x.\n", traceConf, connHandle) |
} |
func lookupTraceMapping(connHandle uintptr) (TraceConfig, bool) { |
traceMapLock.Lock() |
defer traceMapLock.Unlock() |
entryCopy, found := traceMap[connHandle] |
return entryCopy.config, found |
} |
// 'pop' = get and delete from map before returning the value to the caller |
func popTraceMapping(connHandle uintptr) (TraceConfig, bool) { |
traceMapLock.Lock() |
defer traceMapLock.Unlock() |
entryCopy, found := traceMap[connHandle] |
if found { |
delete(traceMap, connHandle) |
fmt.Printf("Pop handle 0x%x: deleted trace config %v.\n", connHandle, entryCopy.config) |
} |
return entryCopy.config, found |
} |
// RegisterAggregator makes a Go type available as a SQLite aggregation function. |
// |
// Because aggregation is incremental, it's implemented in Go with a |
// type that has 2 methods: func Step(values) accumulates one row of |
// data into the accumulator, and func Done() ret finalizes and |
// returns the aggregate value. "values" and "ret" may be any type |
// supported by RegisterFunc. |
// |
// RegisterAggregator takes as implementation a constructor function |
// that constructs an instance of the aggregator type each time an |
// aggregation begins. The constructor must return a pointer to a |
// type, or an interface that implements Step() and Done(). |
// |
// The constructor function and the Step/Done methods may optionally |
// return an error in addition to their other return values. |
// |
// See _example/go_custom_funcs for a detailed example. |
func (c *SQLiteConn) RegisterAggregator(name string, impl interface{}, pure bool) error { |
var ai aggInfo |
ai.constructor = reflect.ValueOf(impl) |
t := ai.constructor.Type() |
if t.Kind() != reflect.Func { |
return errors.New("non-function passed to RegisterAggregator") |
} |
if t.NumOut() != 1 && t.NumOut() != 2 { |
return errors.New("SQLite aggregator constructors must return 1 or 2 values") |
} |
if t.NumOut() == 2 && !t.Out(1).Implements(reflect.TypeOf((*error)(nil)).Elem()) { |
return errors.New("Second return value of SQLite function must be error") |
} |
if t.NumIn() != 0 { |
return errors.New("SQLite aggregator constructors must not have arguments") |
} |
agg := t.Out(0) |
switch agg.Kind() { |
case reflect.Ptr, reflect.Interface: |
default: |
return errors.New("SQlite aggregator constructor must return a pointer object") |
} |
stepFn, found := agg.MethodByName("Step") |
if !found { |
return errors.New("SQlite aggregator doesn't have a Step() function") |
} |
step := stepFn.Type |
if step.NumOut() != 0 && step.NumOut() != 1 { |
return errors.New("SQlite aggregator Step() function must return 0 or 1 values") |
} |
if step.NumOut() == 1 && !step.Out(0).Implements(reflect.TypeOf((*error)(nil)).Elem()) { |
return errors.New("type of SQlite aggregator Step() return value must be error") |
} |
stepNArgs := step.NumIn() |
start := 0 |
if agg.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { |
// Skip over the method receiver |
stepNArgs-- |
start++ |
} |
if step.IsVariadic() { |
stepNArgs-- |
} |
for i := start; i < start+stepNArgs; i++ { |
conv, err := callbackArg(step.In(i)) |
if err != nil { |
return err |
} |
ai.stepArgConverters = append(ai.stepArgConverters, conv) |
} |
if step.IsVariadic() { |
conv, err := callbackArg(t.In(start + stepNArgs).Elem()) |
if err != nil { |
return err |
} |
ai.stepVariadicConverter = conv |
// Pass -1 to sqlite so that it allows any number of |
// arguments. The call helper verifies that the minimum number |
// of arguments is present for variadic functions. |
stepNArgs = -1 |
} |
doneFn, found := agg.MethodByName("Done") |
if !found { |
return errors.New("SQlite aggregator doesn't have a Done() function") |
} |
done := doneFn.Type |
doneNArgs := done.NumIn() |
if agg.Kind() == reflect.Ptr { |
// Skip over the method receiver |
doneNArgs-- |
} |
if doneNArgs != 0 { |
return errors.New("SQlite aggregator Done() function must have no arguments") |
} |
if done.NumOut() != 1 && done.NumOut() != 2 { |
return errors.New("SQLite aggregator Done() function must return 1 or 2 values") |
} |
if done.NumOut() == 2 && !done.Out(1).Implements(reflect.TypeOf((*error)(nil)).Elem()) { |
return errors.New("second return value of SQLite aggregator Done() function must be error") |
} |
conv, err := callbackRet(done.Out(0)) |
if err != nil { |
return err |
} |
ai.doneRetConverter = conv |
ai.active = make(map[int64]reflect.Value) |
ai.next = 1 |
// ai must outlast the database connection, or we'll have dangling pointers. |
c.aggregators = append(c.aggregators, &ai) |
cname := C.CString(name) |
defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(cname)) |
opts := C.SQLITE_UTF8 |
if pure { |
} |
rv := C._sqlite3_create_function(c.db, cname, C.int(stepNArgs), C.int(opts), C.uintptr_t(newHandle(c, &ai)), nil, (*[0]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(C.stepTrampoline)), (*[0]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(C.doneTrampoline))) |
if rv != C.SQLITE_OK { |
return c.lastError() |
} |
return nil |
} |
// SetTrace installs or removes the trace callback for the given database connection. |
// It's not named 'RegisterTrace' because only one callback can be kept and called. |
// Calling SetTrace a second time on same database connection |
// overrides (cancels) any prior callback and all its settings: |
// event mask, etc. |
func (c *SQLiteConn) SetTrace(requested *TraceConfig) error { |
connHandle := uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(c.db)) |
_, _ = popTraceMapping(connHandle) |
if requested == nil { |
// The traceMap entry was deleted already by popTraceMapping(): |
// can disable all events now, no need to watch for TraceClose. |
err := c.setSQLiteTrace(0) |
return err |
} |
reqCopy := *requested |
// Disable potentially expensive operations |
// if their result will not be used. We are doing this |
// just in case the caller provided nonsensical input. |
if reqCopy.EventMask&TraceStmt == 0 { |
reqCopy.WantExpandedSQL = false |
} |
addTraceMapping(connHandle, reqCopy) |
// The callback trampoline function does cleanup on Close event, |
// regardless of the presence or absence of the user callback. |
// Therefore it needs the Close event to be selected: |
actualEventMask := reqCopy.EventMask | TraceClose |
err := c.setSQLiteTrace(actualEventMask) |
return err |
} |
func (c *SQLiteConn) setSQLiteTrace(sqliteEventMask uint) error { |
rv := C.sqlite3_trace_v2(c.db, |
C.uint(sqliteEventMask), |
(*[0]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(C.traceCallbackTrampoline)), |
unsafe.Pointer(c.db)) // Fourth arg is same as first: we are |
// passing the database connection handle as callback context. |
if rv != C.SQLITE_OK { |
return c.lastError() |
} |
return nil |