Платформа ЦРНП "Мирокод" для разработки проектов
190 lines
7.7 KiB
190 lines
7.7 KiB
// Copyright 2021 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved. |
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style |
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
package unittest |
import ( |
"reflect" |
"strconv" |
"strings" |
"code.gitea.io/gitea/models/db" |
"github.com/stretchr/testify/assert" |
"xorm.io/builder" |
) |
const ( |
// these const values are copied from `models` package to prevent from cycle-import |
modelsUserTypeOrganization = 1 |
modelsRepoWatchModeDont = 2 |
modelsCommentTypeComment = 0 |
) |
var consistencyCheckMap = make(map[string]func(t assert.TestingT, bean interface{})) |
// CheckConsistencyFor test that all matching database entries are consistent |
func CheckConsistencyFor(t assert.TestingT, beansToCheck ...interface{}) { |
for _, bean := range beansToCheck { |
sliceType := reflect.SliceOf(reflect.TypeOf(bean)) |
sliceValue := reflect.MakeSlice(sliceType, 0, 10) |
ptrToSliceValue := reflect.New(sliceType) |
ptrToSliceValue.Elem().Set(sliceValue) |
assert.NoError(t, db.GetEngine(db.DefaultContext).Table(bean).Find(ptrToSliceValue.Interface())) |
sliceValue = ptrToSliceValue.Elem() |
for i := 0; i < sliceValue.Len(); i++ { |
entity := sliceValue.Index(i).Interface() |
checkForConsistency(t, entity) |
} |
} |
} |
func checkForConsistency(t assert.TestingT, bean interface{}) { |
tb, err := db.TableInfo(bean) |
assert.NoError(t, err) |
f := consistencyCheckMap[tb.Name] |
if f == nil { |
assert.Fail(t, "unknown bean type: %#v", bean) |
return |
} |
f(t, bean) |
} |
func init() { |
parseBool := func(v string) bool { |
b, _ := strconv.ParseBool(v) |
return b |
} |
parseInt := func(v string) int { |
i, _ := strconv.Atoi(v) |
return i |
} |
checkForUserConsistency := func(t assert.TestingT, bean interface{}) { |
user := reflectionWrap(bean) |
AssertCountByCond(t, "repository", builder.Eq{"owner_id": user.int("ID")}, user.int("NumRepos")) |
AssertCountByCond(t, "star", builder.Eq{"uid": user.int("ID")}, user.int("NumStars")) |
AssertCountByCond(t, "org_user", builder.Eq{"org_id": user.int("ID")}, user.int("NumMembers")) |
AssertCountByCond(t, "team", builder.Eq{"org_id": user.int("ID")}, user.int("NumTeams")) |
AssertCountByCond(t, "follow", builder.Eq{"user_id": user.int("ID")}, user.int("NumFollowing")) |
AssertCountByCond(t, "follow", builder.Eq{"follow_id": user.int("ID")}, user.int("NumFollowers")) |
if user.int("Type") != modelsUserTypeOrganization { |
assert.EqualValues(t, 0, user.int("NumMembers")) |
assert.EqualValues(t, 0, user.int("NumTeams")) |
} |
} |
checkForRepoConsistency := func(t assert.TestingT, bean interface{}) { |
repo := reflectionWrap(bean) |
assert.Equal(t, repo.str("LowerName"), strings.ToLower(repo.str("Name")), "repo: %+v", repo) |
AssertCountByCond(t, "star", builder.Eq{"repo_id": repo.int("ID")}, repo.int("NumStars")) |
AssertCountByCond(t, "milestone", builder.Eq{"repo_id": repo.int("ID")}, repo.int("NumMilestones")) |
AssertCountByCond(t, "repository", builder.Eq{"fork_id": repo.int("ID")}, repo.int("NumForks")) |
if repo.bool("IsFork") { |
AssertExistsAndLoadMap(t, "repository", builder.Eq{"id": repo.int("ForkID")}) |
} |
actual := GetCountByCond(t, "watch", builder.Eq{"repo_id": repo.int("ID")}. |
And(builder.Neq{"mode": modelsRepoWatchModeDont})) |
assert.EqualValues(t, repo.int("NumWatches"), actual, |
"Unexpected number of watches for repo %+v", repo) |
actual = GetCountByCond(t, "issue", builder.Eq{"is_pull": false, "repo_id": repo.int("ID")}) |
assert.EqualValues(t, repo.int("NumIssues"), actual, |
"Unexpected number of issues for repo %+v", repo) |
actual = GetCountByCond(t, "issue", builder.Eq{"is_pull": false, "is_closed": true, "repo_id": repo.int("ID")}) |
assert.EqualValues(t, repo.int("NumClosedIssues"), actual, |
"Unexpected number of closed issues for repo %+v", repo) |
actual = GetCountByCond(t, "issue", builder.Eq{"is_pull": true, "repo_id": repo.int("ID")}) |
assert.EqualValues(t, repo.int("NumPulls"), actual, |
"Unexpected number of pulls for repo %+v", repo) |
actual = GetCountByCond(t, "issue", builder.Eq{"is_pull": true, "is_closed": true, "repo_id": repo.int("ID")}) |
assert.EqualValues(t, repo.int("NumClosedPulls"), actual, |
"Unexpected number of closed pulls for repo %+v", repo) |
actual = GetCountByCond(t, "milestone", builder.Eq{"is_closed": true, "repo_id": repo.int("ID")}) |
assert.EqualValues(t, repo.int("NumClosedMilestones"), actual, |
"Unexpected number of closed milestones for repo %+v", repo) |
} |
checkForIssueConsistency := func(t assert.TestingT, bean interface{}) { |
issue := reflectionWrap(bean) |
typeComment := modelsCommentTypeComment |
actual := GetCountByCond(t, "comment", builder.Eq{"`type`": typeComment, "issue_id": issue.int("ID")}) |
assert.EqualValues(t, issue.int("NumComments"), actual, "Unexpected number of comments for issue %+v", issue) |
if issue.bool("IsPull") { |
prRow := AssertExistsAndLoadMap(t, "pull_request", builder.Eq{"issue_id": issue.int("ID")}) |
assert.EqualValues(t, parseInt(prRow["index"]), issue.int("Index")) |
} |
} |
checkForPullRequestConsistency := func(t assert.TestingT, bean interface{}) { |
pr := reflectionWrap(bean) |
issueRow := AssertExistsAndLoadMap(t, "issue", builder.Eq{"id": pr.int("IssueID")}) |
assert.True(t, parseBool(issueRow["is_pull"])) |
assert.EqualValues(t, parseInt(issueRow["index"]), pr.int("Index")) |
} |
checkForMilestoneConsistency := func(t assert.TestingT, bean interface{}) { |
milestone := reflectionWrap(bean) |
AssertCountByCond(t, "issue", builder.Eq{"milestone_id": milestone.int("ID")}, milestone.int("NumIssues")) |
actual := GetCountByCond(t, "issue", builder.Eq{"is_closed": true, "milestone_id": milestone.int("ID")}) |
assert.EqualValues(t, milestone.int("NumClosedIssues"), actual, "Unexpected number of closed issues for milestone %+v", milestone) |
completeness := 0 |
if milestone.int("NumIssues") > 0 { |
completeness = milestone.int("NumClosedIssues") * 100 / milestone.int("NumIssues") |
} |
assert.Equal(t, completeness, milestone.int("Completeness")) |
} |
checkForLabelConsistency := func(t assert.TestingT, bean interface{}) { |
label := reflectionWrap(bean) |
issueLabels, err := db.GetEngine(db.DefaultContext).Table("issue_label"). |
Where(builder.Eq{"label_id": label.int("ID")}). |
Query() |
assert.NoError(t, err) |
assert.EqualValues(t, label.int("NumIssues"), len(issueLabels), "Unexpected number of issue for label %+v", label) |
issueIDs := make([]int, len(issueLabels)) |
for i, issueLabel := range issueLabels { |
issueIDs[i], _ = strconv.Atoi(string(issueLabel["issue_id"])) |
} |
expected := int64(0) |
if len(issueIDs) > 0 { |
expected = GetCountByCond(t, "issue", builder.In("id", issueIDs).And(builder.Eq{"is_closed": true})) |
} |
assert.EqualValues(t, expected, label.int("NumClosedIssues"), "Unexpected number of closed issues for label %+v", label) |
} |
checkForTeamConsistency := func(t assert.TestingT, bean interface{}) { |
team := reflectionWrap(bean) |
AssertCountByCond(t, "team_user", builder.Eq{"team_id": team.int("ID")}, team.int("NumMembers")) |
AssertCountByCond(t, "team_repo", builder.Eq{"team_id": team.int("ID")}, team.int("NumRepos")) |
} |
checkForActionConsistency := func(t assert.TestingT, bean interface{}) { |
action := reflectionWrap(bean) |
repoRow := AssertExistsAndLoadMap(t, "repository", builder.Eq{"id": action.int("RepoID")}) |
assert.Equal(t, parseBool(repoRow["is_private"]), action.bool("IsPrivate"), "action: %+v", action) |
} |
consistencyCheckMap["user"] = checkForUserConsistency |
consistencyCheckMap["repository"] = checkForRepoConsistency |
consistencyCheckMap["issue"] = checkForIssueConsistency |
consistencyCheckMap["pull_request"] = checkForPullRequestConsistency |
consistencyCheckMap["milestone"] = checkForMilestoneConsistency |
consistencyCheckMap["label"] = checkForLabelConsistency |
consistencyCheckMap["team"] = checkForTeamConsistency |
consistencyCheckMap["action"] = checkForActionConsistency |