Платформа ЦРНП "Мирокод" для разработки проектов
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<title>CodeMirror: Ruby mode</title> |
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<h2>Ruby mode</h2> |
<form><textarea id="code" name="code"> |
# Code from http://sandbox.mc.edu/~bennet/ruby/code/poly_rb.html |
# |
# This program evaluates polynomials. It first asks for the coefficients |
# of a polynomial, which must be entered on one line, highest-order first. |
# It then requests values of x and will compute the value of the poly for |
# each x. It will repeatly ask for x values, unless you the user enters |
# a blank line. It that case, it will ask for another polynomial. If the |
# user types quit for either input, the program immediately exits. |
# |
# |
# Function to evaluate a polynomial at x. The polynomial is given |
# as a list of coefficients, from the greatest to the least. |
def polyval(x, coef) |
sum = 0 |
coef = coef.clone # Don't want to destroy the original |
while true |
sum += coef.shift # Add and remove the next coef |
break if coef.empty? # If no more, done entirely. |
sum *= x # This happens the right number of times. |
end |
return sum |
end |
# |
# Function to read a line containing a list of integers and return |
# them as an array of integers. If the string conversion fails, it |
# throws TypeError. If the input line is the word 'quit', then it |
# converts it to an end-of-file exception |
def readints(prompt) |
# Read a line |
print prompt |
line = readline.chomp |
raise EOFError.new if line == 'quit' # You can also use a real EOF. |
# Go through each item on the line, converting each one and adding it |
# to retval. |
retval = [ ] |
for str in line.split(/\s+/) |
if str =~ /^\-?\d+$/ |
retval.push(str.to_i) |
else |
raise TypeError.new |
end |
end |
return retval |
end |
# |
# Take a coeff and an exponent and return the string representation, ignoring |
# the sign of the coefficient. |
def term_to_str(coef, exp) |
ret = "" |
# Show coeff, unless it's 1 or at the right |
coef = coef.abs |
ret = coef.to_s unless coef == 1 && exp > 0 |
ret += "x" if exp > 0 # x if exponent not 0 |
ret += "^" + exp.to_s if exp > 1 # ^exponent, if > 1. |
return ret |
end |
# |
# Create a string of the polynomial in sort-of-readable form. |
def polystr(p) |
# Get the exponent of first coefficient, plus 1. |
exp = p.length |
# Assign exponents to each term, making pairs of coeff and exponent, |
# Then get rid of the zero terms. |
p = (p.map { |c| exp -= 1; [ c, exp ] }).select { |p| p[0] != 0 } |
# If there's nothing left, it's a zero |
return "0" if p.empty? |
# *** Now p is a non-empty list of [ coef, exponent ] pairs. *** |
# Convert the first term, preceded by a "-" if it's negative. |
result = (if p[0][0] < 0 then "-" else "" end) + term_to_str(*p[0]) |
# Convert the rest of the terms, in each case adding the appropriate |
# + or - separating them. |
for term in p[1...p.length] |
# Add the separator then the rep. of the term. |
result += (if term[0] < 0 then " - " else " + " end) + |
term_to_str(*term) |
end |
return result |
end |
# |
# Run until some kind of endfile. |
begin |
# Repeat until an exception or quit gets us out. |
while true |
# Read a poly until it works. An EOF will except out of the |
# program. |
print "\n" |
begin |
poly = readints("Enter a polynomial coefficients: ") |
rescue TypeError |
print "Try again.\n" |
retry |
end |
break if poly.empty? |
# Read and evaluate x values until the user types a blank line. |
# Again, an EOF will except out of the pgm. |
while true |
# Request an integer. |
print "Enter x value or blank line: " |
x = readline.chomp |
break if x == '' |
raise EOFError.new if x == 'quit' |
# If it looks bad, let's try again. |
if x !~ /^\-?\d+$/ |
print "That doesn't look like an integer. Please try again.\n" |
next |
end |
# Convert to an integer and print the result. |
x = x.to_i |
print "p(x) = ", polystr(poly), "\n" |
print "p(", x, ") = ", polyval(x, poly), "\n" |
end |
end |
rescue EOFError |
print "\n=== EOF ===\n" |
rescue Interrupt, SignalException |
print "\n=== Interrupted ===\n" |
else |
print "--- Bye ---\n" |
end |
</textarea></form> |
<script> |
var editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("code"), { |
mode: "text/x-ruby", |
matchBrackets: true, |
indentUnit: 4 |
}); |
</script> |
<p><strong>MIME types defined:</strong> <code>text/x-ruby</code>.</p> |
<p>Development of the CodeMirror Ruby mode was kindly sponsored |
by <a href="http://ubalo.com/">Ubalo</a>.</p> |