describe('LatLngBounds', function () { var a, c; beforeEach(function () { a = new L.LatLngBounds( new L.LatLng(14, 12), new L.LatLng(30, 40)); c = new L.LatLngBounds(); }); describe('constructor', function () { it('instantiates either passing two latlngs or an array of latlngs', function () { var b = new L.LatLngBounds([ new L.LatLng(14, 12), new L.LatLng(30, 40) ]); expect(b).to.eql(a); expect(b.getNorthWest()).to.eql(new L.LatLng(30, 12)); }); it('returns an empty bounds when not argument is given', function () { var bounds = new L.LatLngBounds(); expect(bounds instanceof L.LatLngBounds); }); it('returns an empty bounds when not argument is given to factory', function () { var bounds = L.latLngBounds(); expect(bounds instanceof L.LatLngBounds); }); }); describe('#extend', function () { it('extends the bounds by a given point', function () { a.extend(new L.LatLng(20, 50)); expect(a.getNorthEast()).to.eql(new L.LatLng(30, 50)); }); it('extends the bounds by given bounds', function () { a.extend([[20, 50], [8, 40]]); expect(a.getSouthEast()).to.eql(new L.LatLng(8, 50)); }); it('extends the bounds by undefined', function () { expect(a.extend()).to.eql(a); }); it('extends the bounds by raw object', function () { a.extend({lat: 20, lng: 50}); expect(a.getNorthEast()).to.eql(new L.LatLng(30, 50)); }); it('extend the bounds by an empty bounds object', function () { expect(a.extend(new L.LatLngBounds())).to.eql(a); }); }); describe('#getCenter', function () { it('returns the bounds center', function () { expect(a.getCenter()).to.eql(new L.LatLng(22, 26)); }); }); describe('#pad', function () { it('pads the bounds by a given ratio', function () { var b = a.pad(0.5); expect(b).to.eql(L.latLngBounds([[6, -2], [38, 54]])); }); }); describe('#equals', function () { it('returns true if bounds equal', function () { expect(a.equals([[14, 12], [30, 40]])).to.eql(true); expect(a.equals([[14, 13], [30, 40]])).to.eql(false); expect(a.equals(null)).to.eql(false); }); }); describe('#isValid', function () { it('returns true if properly set up', function () { expect(a.isValid()); }); it('returns false if is invalid', function () { expect(c.isValid()); }); it('returns true if extended', function () { c.extend([0, 0]); expect(c.isValid()); }); }); describe('#getWest', function () { it('returns a proper bbox west value', function () { expect(a.getWest()).to.eql(12); }); }); describe('#getSouth', function () { it('returns a proper bbox south value', function () { expect(a.getSouth()).to.eql(14); }); }); describe('#getEast', function () { it('returns a proper bbox east value', function () { expect(a.getEast()).to.eql(40); }); }); describe('#getNorth', function () { it('returns a proper bbox north value', function () { expect(a.getNorth()).to.eql(30); }); }); describe('#toBBoxString', function () { it('returns a proper left,bottom,right,top bbox', function () { expect(a.toBBoxString()).to.eql("12,14,40,30"); }); }); describe('#getNorthWest', function () { it('returns a proper north-west LatLng', function () { expect(a.getNorthWest()).to.eql(new L.LatLng(a.getNorth(), a.getWest())); }); }); describe('#getSouthEast', function () { it('returns a proper south-east LatLng', function () { expect(a.getSouthEast()).to.eql(new L.LatLng(a.getSouth(), a.getEast())); }); }); describe('#contains', function () { it('returns true if contains latlng point as array', function () { expect(a.contains([16, 20])).to.eql(true); expect(L.latLngBounds(a).contains([5, 20])).to.eql(false); }); it('returns true if contains latlng point as {lat:, lng:} object', function () { expect(a.contains({lat: 16, lng: 20})).to.eql(true); expect(L.latLngBounds(a).contains({lat: 5, lng: 20})).to.eql(false); }); it('returns true if contains latlng point as L.LatLng instance', function () { expect(a.contains(L.latLng([16, 20]))).to.eql(true); expect(L.latLngBounds(a).contains(L.latLng([5, 20]))).to.eql(false); }); it('returns true if contains bounds', function () { expect(a.contains([[16, 20], [20, 40]])).to.eql(true); expect(a.contains([[16, 50], [8, 40]])).to.eql(false); }); }); describe('#intersects', function () { it('returns true if intersects the given bounds', function () { expect(a.intersects([[16, 20], [50, 60]])).to.eql(true); expect(a.contains([[40, 50], [50, 60]])).to.eql(false); }); it('returns true if just touches the boundary of the given bounds', function () { expect(a.intersects([[25, 40], [55, 50]])).to.eql(true); }); }); describe('#overlaps', function () { it('returns true if overlaps the given bounds', function () { expect(a.overlaps([[16, 20], [50, 60]])).to.eql(true); }); it('returns false if just touches the boundary of the given bounds', function () { expect(a.overlaps([[25, 40], [55, 50]])).to.eql(false); }); }); });