// Copyright 2014 The Gogs Authors. All rights reserved.
// Copyright 2017 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package setting
import (
gossh "golang.org/x/crypto/ssh"
ini "gopkg.in/ini.v1"
// Scheme describes protocol types
type Scheme string
// enumerates all the scheme types
const (
HTTP Scheme = "http"
HTTPS Scheme = "https"
FCGI Scheme = "fcgi"
FCGIUnix Scheme = "fcgi+unix"
HTTPUnix Scheme = "http+unix"
// LandingPage describes the default page
type LandingPage string
// enumerates all the landing page types
const (
LandingPageHome LandingPage = "/"
LandingPageExplore LandingPage = "/explore"
LandingPageOrganizations LandingPage = "/explore/organizations"
LandingPageLogin LandingPage = "/user/login"
// enumerates all the types of captchas
const (
ImageCaptcha = "image"
ReCaptcha = "recaptcha"
HCaptcha = "hcaptcha"
// settings
var (
// AppVer is the version of the current build of Gitea. It is set in main.go from main.Version.
AppVer string
// AppBuiltWith represents a human readable version go runtime build version and build tags. (See main.go formatBuiltWith().)
AppBuiltWith string
// AppStartTime store time gitea has started
AppStartTime time . Time
// AppName is the Application name, used in the page title.
// It maps to ini:"APP_NAME"
AppName string
// AppURL is the Application ROOT_URL. It always has a '/' suffix
// It maps to ini:"ROOT_URL"
AppURL string
// AppSubURL represents the sub-url mounting point for gitea. It is either "" or starts with '/' and ends without '/', such as '/{subpath}'.
// This value is empty if site does not have sub-url.
AppSubURL string
// AppPath represents the path to the gitea binary
AppPath string
// AppWorkPath is the "working directory" of Gitea. It maps to the environment variable GITEA_WORK_DIR.
// If that is not set it is the default set here by the linker or failing that the directory of AppPath.
// AppWorkPath is used as the base path for several other paths.
AppWorkPath string
// AppDataPath is the default path for storing data.
// It maps to ini:"APP_DATA_PATH" and defaults to AppWorkPath + "/data"
AppDataPath string
// LocalURL is the url for locally running applications to contact Gitea. It always has a '/' suffix
// It maps to ini:"LOCAL_ROOT_URL"
LocalURL string
// Server settings
Protocol Scheme
Domain string
HTTPAddr string
HTTPPort string
RedirectOtherPort bool
PortToRedirect string
OfflineMode bool
CertFile string
KeyFile string
StaticRootPath string
StaticCacheTime time . Duration
EnableGzip bool
LandingPageURL LandingPage
UnixSocketPermission uint32
EnablePprof bool
PprofDataPath string
EnableLetsEncrypt bool
LetsEncryptTOS bool
LetsEncryptDirectory string
LetsEncryptEmail string
SSLMinimumVersion string
SSLMaximumVersion string
SSLCurvePreferences [ ] string
SSLCipherSuites [ ] string
GracefulRestartable bool
GracefulHammerTime time . Duration
StartupTimeout time . Duration
PerWriteTimeout = 30 * time . Second
PerWritePerKbTimeout = 10 * time . Second
StaticURLPrefix string
AbsoluteAssetURL string
SSH = struct {
Disabled bool ` ini:"DISABLE_SSH" `
StartBuiltinServer bool ` ini:"START_SSH_SERVER" `
BuiltinServerUser string ` ini:"BUILTIN_SSH_SERVER_USER" `
Domain string ` ini:"SSH_DOMAIN" `
Port int ` ini:"SSH_PORT" `
ListenHost string ` ini:"SSH_LISTEN_HOST" `
ListenPort int ` ini:"SSH_LISTEN_PORT" `
RootPath string ` ini:"SSH_ROOT_PATH" `
ServerCiphers [ ] string ` ini:"SSH_SERVER_CIPHERS" `
ServerKeyExchanges [ ] string ` ini:"SSH_SERVER_KEY_EXCHANGES" `
ServerMACs [ ] string ` ini:"SSH_SERVER_MACS" `
ServerHostKeys [ ] string ` ini:"SSH_SERVER_HOST_KEYS" `
KeyTestPath string ` ini:"SSH_KEY_TEST_PATH" `
KeygenPath string ` ini:"SSH_KEYGEN_PATH" `
AuthorizedKeysBackup bool ` ini:"SSH_AUTHORIZED_KEYS_BACKUP" `
AuthorizedPrincipalsBackup bool ` ini:"SSH_AUTHORIZED_PRINCIPALS_BACKUP" `
AuthorizedKeysCommandTemplate string ` ini:"SSH_AUTHORIZED_KEYS_COMMAND_TEMPLATE" `
AuthorizedKeysCommandTemplateTemplate * template . Template ` ini:"-" `
MinimumKeySizeCheck bool ` ini:"-" `
MinimumKeySizes map [ string ] int ` ini:"-" `
CreateAuthorizedKeysFile bool ` ini:"SSH_CREATE_AUTHORIZED_KEYS_FILE" `
CreateAuthorizedPrincipalsFile bool ` ini:"SSH_CREATE_AUTHORIZED_PRINCIPALS_FILE" `
ExposeAnonymous bool ` ini:"SSH_EXPOSE_ANONYMOUS" `
AuthorizedPrincipalsAllow [ ] string ` ini:"SSH_AUTHORIZED_PRINCIPALS_ALLOW" `
AuthorizedPrincipalsEnabled bool ` ini:"-" `
TrustedUserCAKeys [ ] string ` ini:"SSH_TRUSTED_USER_CA_KEYS" `
TrustedUserCAKeysFile string ` ini:"SSH_TRUSTED_USER_CA_KEYS_FILENAME" `
TrustedUserCAKeysParsed [ ] gossh . PublicKey ` ini:"-" `
PerWriteTimeout time . Duration ` ini:"SSH_PER_WRITE_TIMEOUT" `
PerWritePerKbTimeout time . Duration ` ini:"SSH_PER_WRITE_PER_KB_TIMEOUT" `
} {
Disabled : false ,
StartBuiltinServer : false ,
Domain : "" ,
Port : 22 ,
ServerCiphers : [ ] string { "aes128-ctr" , "aes192-ctr" , "aes256-ctr" , "aes128-gcm@openssh.com" , "arcfour256" , "arcfour128" } ,
ServerKeyExchanges : [ ] string { "diffie-hellman-group1-sha1" , "diffie-hellman-group14-sha1" , "ecdh-sha2-nistp256" , "ecdh-sha2-nistp384" , "ecdh-sha2-nistp521" , "curve25519-sha256@libssh.org" } ,
ServerMACs : [ ] string { "hmac-sha2-256-etm@openssh.com" , "hmac-sha2-256" , "hmac-sha1" , "hmac-sha1-96" } ,
KeygenPath : "ssh-keygen" ,
MinimumKeySizeCheck : true ,
MinimumKeySizes : map [ string ] int { "ed25519" : 256 , "ed25519-sk" : 256 , "ecdsa" : 256 , "ecdsa-sk" : 256 , "rsa" : 2048 } ,
ServerHostKeys : [ ] string { "ssh/gitea.rsa" , "ssh/gogs.rsa" } ,
AuthorizedKeysCommandTemplate : "{{.AppPath}} --config={{.CustomConf}} serv key-{{.Key.ID}}" ,
PerWriteTimeout : PerWriteTimeout ,
PerWritePerKbTimeout : PerWritePerKbTimeout ,
// Security settings
InstallLock bool
SecretKey string
LogInRememberDays int
CookieUserName string
CookieRememberName string
ReverseProxyAuthUser string
ReverseProxyAuthEmail string
ReverseProxyLimit int
ReverseProxyTrustedProxies [ ] string
MinPasswordLength int
ImportLocalPaths bool
DisableGitHooks bool
DisableWebhooks bool
OnlyAllowPushIfGiteaEnvironmentSet bool
PasswordComplexity [ ] string
PasswordHashAlgo string
PasswordCheckPwn bool
SuccessfulTokensCacheSize int
// UI settings
UI = struct {
ExplorePagingNum int
IssuePagingNum int
RepoSearchPagingNum int
MembersPagingNum int
FeedMaxCommitNum int
FeedPagingNum int
GraphMaxCommitNum int
CodeCommentLines int
ReactionMaxUserNum int
ThemeColorMetaTag string
MaxDisplayFileSize int64
ShowUserEmail bool
DefaultShowFullName bool
DefaultTheme string
Themes [ ] string
Reactions [ ] string
ReactionsMap map [ string ] bool ` ini:"-" `
CustomEmojis [ ] string
CustomEmojisMap map [ string ] string ` ini:"-" `
SearchRepoDescription bool
UseServiceWorker bool
Notification struct {
MinTimeout time . Duration
TimeoutStep time . Duration
MaxTimeout time . Duration
EventSourceUpdateTime time . Duration
} ` ini:"ui.notification" `
SVG struct {
Enabled bool ` ini:"ENABLE_RENDER" `
} ` ini:"ui.svg" `
CSV struct {
MaxFileSize int64
} ` ini:"ui.csv" `
Admin struct {
UserPagingNum int
RepoPagingNum int
NoticePagingNum int
OrgPagingNum int
} ` ini:"ui.admin" `
User struct {
RepoPagingNum int
} ` ini:"ui.user" `
Meta struct {
Author string
Description string
Keywords string
} ` ini:"ui.meta" `
} {
ExplorePagingNum : 20 ,
IssuePagingNum : 10 ,
RepoSearchPagingNum : 10 ,
MembersPagingNum : 20 ,
FeedMaxCommitNum : 5 ,
FeedPagingNum : 20 ,
GraphMaxCommitNum : 100 ,
CodeCommentLines : 4 ,
ReactionMaxUserNum : 10 ,
ThemeColorMetaTag : ` #6cc644 ` ,
MaxDisplayFileSize : 8388608 ,
DefaultTheme : ` auto ` ,
Themes : [ ] string { ` auto ` , ` gitea ` , ` arc-green ` } ,
Reactions : [ ] string { ` +1 ` , ` -1 ` , ` laugh ` , ` hooray ` , ` confused ` , ` heart ` , ` rocket ` , ` eyes ` } ,
CustomEmojis : [ ] string { ` git ` , ` gitea ` , ` codeberg ` , ` gitlab ` , ` github ` , ` gogs ` } ,
CustomEmojisMap : map [ string ] string { "git" : ":git:" , "gitea" : ":gitea:" , "codeberg" : ":codeberg:" , "gitlab" : ":gitlab:" , "github" : ":github:" , "gogs" : ":gogs:" } ,
Notification : struct {
MinTimeout time . Duration
TimeoutStep time . Duration
MaxTimeout time . Duration
EventSourceUpdateTime time . Duration
} {
MinTimeout : 10 * time . Second ,
TimeoutStep : 10 * time . Second ,
MaxTimeout : 60 * time . Second ,
EventSourceUpdateTime : 10 * time . Second ,
} ,
SVG : struct {
Enabled bool ` ini:"ENABLE_RENDER" `
} {
Enabled : true ,
} ,
CSV : struct {
MaxFileSize int64
} {
MaxFileSize : 524288 ,
} ,
Admin : struct {
UserPagingNum int
RepoPagingNum int
NoticePagingNum int
OrgPagingNum int
} {
UserPagingNum : 50 ,
RepoPagingNum : 50 ,
NoticePagingNum : 25 ,
OrgPagingNum : 50 ,
} ,
User : struct {
RepoPagingNum int
} {
RepoPagingNum : 15 ,
} ,
Meta : struct {
Author string
Description string
Keywords string
} {
Author : "Gitea - Git with a cup of tea" ,
Description : "Gitea (Git with a cup of tea) is a painless self-hosted Git service written in Go" ,
Keywords : "go,git,self-hosted,gitea" ,
} ,
// Markdown settings
Markdown = struct {
EnableHardLineBreakInComments bool
EnableHardLineBreakInDocuments bool
CustomURLSchemes [ ] string ` ini:"CUSTOM_URL_SCHEMES" `
FileExtensions [ ] string
} {
EnableHardLineBreakInComments : true ,
EnableHardLineBreakInDocuments : false ,
FileExtensions : strings . Split ( ".md,.markdown,.mdown,.mkd" , "," ) ,
// Admin settings
Admin struct {
DisableRegularOrgCreation bool
DefaultEmailNotification string
// Log settings
LogLevel log . Level
StacktraceLogLevel string
LogRootPath string
DisableRouterLog bool
RouterLogLevel log . Level
EnableAccessLog bool
EnableSSHLog bool
AccessLogTemplate string
EnableXORMLog bool
// Time settings
TimeFormat string
// UILocation is the location on the UI, so that we can display the time on UI.
DefaultUILocation = time . Local
CSRFCookieName = "_csrf"
CSRFCookieHTTPOnly = true
ManifestData string
// API settings
API = struct {
EnableSwagger bool
SwaggerURL string
MaxResponseItems int
DefaultPagingNum int
DefaultGitTreesPerPage int
DefaultMaxBlobSize int64
} {
EnableSwagger : true ,
SwaggerURL : "" ,
MaxResponseItems : 50 ,
DefaultPagingNum : 30 ,
DefaultGitTreesPerPage : 1000 ,
DefaultMaxBlobSize : 10485760 ,
OAuth2 = struct {
Enable bool
AccessTokenExpirationTime int64
RefreshTokenExpirationTime int64
InvalidateRefreshTokens bool
JWTSigningAlgorithm string ` ini:"JWT_SIGNING_ALGORITHM" `
JWTSecretBase64 string ` ini:"JWT_SECRET" `
JWTSigningPrivateKeyFile string ` ini:"JWT_SIGNING_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE" `
MaxTokenLength int
} {
Enable : true ,
AccessTokenExpirationTime : 3600 ,
RefreshTokenExpirationTime : 730 ,
InvalidateRefreshTokens : false ,
JWTSigningAlgorithm : "RS256" ,
JWTSigningPrivateKeyFile : "jwt/private.pem" ,
MaxTokenLength : math . MaxInt16 ,
U2F = struct {
AppID string
} { }
// Metrics settings
Metrics = struct {
Enabled bool
Token string
EnabledIssueByLabel bool
EnabledIssueByRepository bool
} {
Enabled : false ,
Token : "" ,
EnabledIssueByLabel : false ,
EnabledIssueByRepository : false ,
// I18n settings
Langs [ ] string
Names [ ] string
// Highlight settings are loaded in modules/template/highlight.go
// Other settings
ShowFooterBranding bool
ShowFooterVersion bool
ShowFooterTemplateLoadTime bool
// Global setting objects
Cfg * ini . File
CustomPath string // Custom directory path
CustomConf string
PIDFile = "/run/gitea.pid"
WritePIDFile bool
RunMode string
IsProd bool
RunUser string
IsWindows bool
HasRobotsTxt bool
InternalToken string // internal access token
func getAppPath ( ) ( string , error ) {
var appPath string
var err error
if IsWindows && filepath . IsAbs ( os . Args [ 0 ] ) {
appPath = filepath . Clean ( os . Args [ 0 ] )
} else {
appPath , err = exec . LookPath ( os . Args [ 0 ] )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
appPath , err = filepath . Abs ( appPath )
if err != nil {
return "" , err
// Note: we don't use path.Dir here because it does not handle case
// which path starts with two "/" in Windows: "//psf/Home/..."
return strings . ReplaceAll ( appPath , "\\" , "/" ) , err
func getWorkPath ( appPath string ) string {
workPath := AppWorkPath
if giteaWorkPath , ok := os . LookupEnv ( "GITEA_WORK_DIR" ) ; ok {
workPath = giteaWorkPath
if len ( workPath ) == 0 {
i := strings . LastIndex ( appPath , "/" )
if i == - 1 {
workPath = appPath
} else {
workPath = appPath [ : i ]
return strings . ReplaceAll ( workPath , "\\" , "/" )
func init ( ) {
IsWindows = runtime . GOOS == "windows"
// We can rely on log.CanColorStdout being set properly because modules/log/console_windows.go comes before modules/setting/setting.go lexicographically
// By default set this logger at Info - we'll change it later but we need to start with something.
log . NewLogger ( 0 , "console" , "console" , fmt . Sprintf ( ` { "level": "info", "colorize": %t, "stacktraceLevel": "none"} ` , log . CanColorStdout ) )
var err error
if AppPath , err = getAppPath ( ) ; err != nil {
log . Fatal ( "Failed to get app path: %v" , err )
AppWorkPath = getWorkPath ( AppPath )
func forcePathSeparator ( path string ) {
if strings . Contains ( path , "\\" ) {
log . Fatal ( "Do not use '\\' or '\\\\' in paths, instead, please use '/' in all places" )
// IsRunUserMatchCurrentUser returns false if configured run user does not match
// actual user that runs the app. The first return value is the actual user name.
// This check is ignored under Windows since SSH remote login is not the main
// method to login on Windows.
func IsRunUserMatchCurrentUser ( runUser string ) ( string , bool ) {
if IsWindows || SSH . StartBuiltinServer {
return "" , true
currentUser := user . CurrentUsername ( )
return currentUser , runUser == currentUser
func createPIDFile ( pidPath string ) {
currentPid := os . Getpid ( )
if err := os . MkdirAll ( filepath . Dir ( pidPath ) , os . ModePerm ) ; err != nil {
log . Fatal ( "Failed to create PID folder: %v" , err )
file , err := os . Create ( pidPath )
if err != nil {
log . Fatal ( "Failed to create PID file: %v" , err )
defer file . Close ( )
if _ , err := file . WriteString ( strconv . FormatInt ( int64 ( currentPid ) , 10 ) ) ; err != nil {
log . Fatal ( "Failed to write PID information: %v" , err )
// SetCustomPathAndConf will set CustomPath and CustomConf with reference to the
// GITEA_CUSTOM environment variable and with provided overrides before stepping
// back to the default
func SetCustomPathAndConf ( providedCustom , providedConf , providedWorkPath string ) {
if len ( providedWorkPath ) != 0 {
AppWorkPath = filepath . ToSlash ( providedWorkPath )
if giteaCustom , ok := os . LookupEnv ( "GITEA_CUSTOM" ) ; ok {
CustomPath = giteaCustom
if len ( providedCustom ) != 0 {
CustomPath = providedCustom
if len ( CustomPath ) == 0 {
CustomPath = path . Join ( AppWorkPath , "custom" )
} else if ! filepath . IsAbs ( CustomPath ) {
CustomPath = path . Join ( AppWorkPath , CustomPath )
if len ( providedConf ) != 0 {
CustomConf = providedConf
if len ( CustomConf ) == 0 {
CustomConf = path . Join ( CustomPath , "conf/app.ini" )
} else if ! filepath . IsAbs ( CustomConf ) {
CustomConf = path . Join ( CustomPath , CustomConf )
log . Warn ( "Using 'custom' directory as relative origin for configuration file: '%s'" , CustomConf )
// LoadFromExisting initializes setting options from an existing config file (app.ini)
func LoadFromExisting ( ) {
loadFromConf ( false , "" )
// LoadAllowEmpty initializes setting options, it's also fine that if the config file (app.ini) doesn't exist
func LoadAllowEmpty ( ) {
loadFromConf ( true , "" )
// LoadForTest initializes setting options for tests
func LoadForTest ( extraConfigs ... string ) {
loadFromConf ( true , strings . Join ( extraConfigs , "\n" ) )
if err := PrepareAppDataPath ( ) ; err != nil {
log . Fatal ( "Can not prepare APP_DATA_PATH: %v" , err )
// loadFromConf initializes configuration context.
// NOTE: do not print any log except error.
func loadFromConf ( allowEmpty bool , extraConfig string ) {
Cfg = ini . Empty ( )
if WritePIDFile && len ( PIDFile ) > 0 {
createPIDFile ( PIDFile )
isFile , err := util . IsFile ( CustomConf )
if err != nil {
log . Error ( "Unable to check if %s is a file. Error: %v" , CustomConf , err )
if isFile {
if err := Cfg . Append ( CustomConf ) ; err != nil {
log . Fatal ( "Failed to load custom conf '%s': %v" , CustomConf , err )
} else if ! allowEmpty {
log . Fatal ( "Unable to find configuration file: %q.\nEnsure you are running in the correct environment or set the correct configuration file with -c." , CustomConf )
} // else: no config file, a config file might be created at CustomConf later (might not)
if extraConfig != "" {
if err = Cfg . Append ( [ ] byte ( extraConfig ) ) ; err != nil {
log . Fatal ( "Unable to append more config: %v" , err )
Cfg . NameMapper = ini . SnackCase
homeDir , err := com . HomeDir ( )
if err != nil {
log . Fatal ( "Failed to get home directory: %v" , err )
homeDir = strings . ReplaceAll ( homeDir , "\\" , "/" )
LogLevel = getLogLevel ( Cfg . Section ( "log" ) , "LEVEL" , log . INFO )
StacktraceLogLevel = getStacktraceLogLevel ( Cfg . Section ( "log" ) , "STACKTRACE_LEVEL" , "None" )
LogRootPath = Cfg . Section ( "log" ) . Key ( "ROOT_PATH" ) . MustString ( path . Join ( AppWorkPath , "log" ) )
forcePathSeparator ( LogRootPath )
RouterLogLevel = log . FromString ( Cfg . Section ( "log" ) . Key ( "ROUTER_LOG_LEVEL" ) . MustString ( "Info" ) )
sec := Cfg . Section ( "server" )
AppName = Cfg . Section ( "" ) . Key ( "APP_NAME" ) . MustString ( "Gitea: Git with a cup of tea" )
Domain = sec . Key ( "DOMAIN" ) . MustString ( "localhost" )
HTTPAddr = sec . Key ( "HTTP_ADDR" ) . MustString ( "" )
HTTPPort = sec . Key ( "HTTP_PORT" ) . MustString ( "3000" )
Protocol = HTTP
protocolCfg := sec . Key ( "PROTOCOL" ) . String ( )
switch protocolCfg {
case "https" :
Protocol = HTTPS
CertFile = sec . Key ( "CERT_FILE" ) . String ( )
KeyFile = sec . Key ( "KEY_FILE" ) . String ( )
if ! filepath . IsAbs ( CertFile ) && len ( CertFile ) > 0 {
CertFile = filepath . Join ( CustomPath , CertFile )
if ! filepath . IsAbs ( KeyFile ) && len ( KeyFile ) > 0 {
KeyFile = filepath . Join ( CustomPath , KeyFile )
case "fcgi" :
Protocol = FCGI
case "fcgi+unix" , "unix" , "http+unix" :
switch protocolCfg {
case "fcgi+unix" :
Protocol = FCGIUnix
case "unix" :
log . Warn ( "unix PROTOCOL value is deprecated, please use http+unix" )
case "http+unix" :
Protocol = HTTPUnix
UnixSocketPermissionRaw := sec . Key ( "UNIX_SOCKET_PERMISSION" ) . MustString ( "666" )
UnixSocketPermissionParsed , err := strconv . ParseUint ( UnixSocketPermissionRaw , 8 , 32 )
if err != nil || UnixSocketPermissionParsed > 0 o777 {
log . Fatal ( "Failed to parse unixSocketPermission: %s" , UnixSocketPermissionRaw )
UnixSocketPermission = uint32 ( UnixSocketPermissionParsed )
if ! filepath . IsAbs ( HTTPAddr ) {
HTTPAddr = filepath . Join ( AppWorkPath , HTTPAddr )
EnableLetsEncrypt = sec . Key ( "ENABLE_LETSENCRYPT" ) . MustBool ( false )
LetsEncryptTOS = sec . Key ( "LETSENCRYPT_ACCEPTTOS" ) . MustBool ( false )
if ! LetsEncryptTOS && EnableLetsEncrypt {
log . Warn ( "Failed to enable Let's Encrypt due to Let's Encrypt TOS not being accepted" )
EnableLetsEncrypt = false
LetsEncryptDirectory = sec . Key ( "LETSENCRYPT_DIRECTORY" ) . MustString ( "https" )
LetsEncryptEmail = sec . Key ( "LETSENCRYPT_EMAIL" ) . MustString ( "" )
SSLMinimumVersion = sec . Key ( "SSL_MIN_VERSION" ) . MustString ( "" )
SSLMaximumVersion = sec . Key ( "SSL_MAX_VERSION" ) . MustString ( "" )
SSLCurvePreferences = sec . Key ( "SSL_CURVE_PREFERENCES" ) . Strings ( "," )
SSLCipherSuites = sec . Key ( "SSL_CIPHER_SUITES" ) . Strings ( "," )
GracefulRestartable = sec . Key ( "ALLOW_GRACEFUL_RESTARTS" ) . MustBool ( true )
GracefulHammerTime = sec . Key ( "GRACEFUL_HAMMER_TIME" ) . MustDuration ( 60 * time . Second )
StartupTimeout = sec . Key ( "STARTUP_TIMEOUT" ) . MustDuration ( 0 * time . Second )
PerWriteTimeout = sec . Key ( "PER_WRITE_TIMEOUT" ) . MustDuration ( PerWriteTimeout )
PerWritePerKbTimeout = sec . Key ( "PER_WRITE_PER_KB_TIMEOUT" ) . MustDuration ( PerWritePerKbTimeout )
defaultAppURL := string ( Protocol ) + "://" + Domain
if ( Protocol == HTTP && HTTPPort != "80" ) || ( Protocol == HTTPS && HTTPPort != "443" ) {
defaultAppURL += ":" + HTTPPort
AppURL = sec . Key ( "ROOT_URL" ) . MustString ( defaultAppURL + "/" )
// This should be TrimRight to ensure that there is only a single '/' at the end of AppURL.
AppURL = strings . TrimRight ( AppURL , "/" ) + "/"
// Check if has app suburl.
appURL , err := url . Parse ( AppURL )
if err != nil {
log . Fatal ( "Invalid ROOT_URL '%s': %s" , AppURL , err )
// Suburl should start with '/' and end without '/', such as '/{subpath}'.
// This value is empty if site does not have sub-url.
AppSubURL = strings . TrimSuffix ( appURL . Path , "/" )
StaticURLPrefix = strings . TrimSuffix ( sec . Key ( "STATIC_URL_PREFIX" ) . MustString ( AppSubURL ) , "/" )
// Check if Domain differs from AppURL domain than update it to AppURL's domain
urlHostname := appURL . Hostname ( )
if urlHostname != Domain && net . ParseIP ( urlHostname ) == nil && urlHostname != "" {
Domain = urlHostname
AbsoluteAssetURL = MakeAbsoluteAssetURL ( AppURL , StaticURLPrefix )
manifestBytes := MakeManifestData ( AppName , AppURL , AbsoluteAssetURL )
ManifestData = ` application/json;base64, ` + base64 . StdEncoding . EncodeToString ( manifestBytes )
var defaultLocalURL string
switch Protocol {
case HTTPUnix :
defaultLocalURL = "http://unix/"
case FCGI :
defaultLocalURL = AppURL
case FCGIUnix :
defaultLocalURL = AppURL
default :
defaultLocalURL = string ( Protocol ) + "://"
if HTTPAddr == "" {
defaultLocalURL += net . JoinHostPort ( "localhost" , HTTPPort ) + "/"
} else {
defaultLocalURL += net . JoinHostPort ( HTTPAddr , HTTPPort ) + "/"
LocalURL = sec . Key ( "LOCAL_ROOT_URL" ) . MustString ( defaultLocalURL )
LocalURL = strings . TrimRight ( LocalURL , "/" ) + "/"
RedirectOtherPort = sec . Key ( "REDIRECT_OTHER_PORT" ) . MustBool ( false )
PortToRedirect = sec . Key ( "PORT_TO_REDIRECT" ) . MustString ( "80" )
OfflineMode = sec . Key ( "OFFLINE_MODE" ) . MustBool ( )
DisableRouterLog = sec . Key ( "DISABLE_ROUTER_LOG" ) . MustBool ( )
if len ( StaticRootPath ) == 0 {
StaticRootPath = AppWorkPath
StaticRootPath = sec . Key ( "STATIC_ROOT_PATH" ) . MustString ( StaticRootPath )
StaticCacheTime = sec . Key ( "STATIC_CACHE_TIME" ) . MustDuration ( 6 * time . Hour )
AppDataPath = sec . Key ( "APP_DATA_PATH" ) . MustString ( path . Join ( AppWorkPath , "data" ) )
EnableGzip = sec . Key ( "ENABLE_GZIP" ) . MustBool ( )
EnablePprof = sec . Key ( "ENABLE_PPROF" ) . MustBool ( false )
PprofDataPath = sec . Key ( "PPROF_DATA_PATH" ) . MustString ( path . Join ( AppWorkPath , "data/tmp/pprof" ) )
if ! filepath . IsAbs ( PprofDataPath ) {
PprofDataPath = filepath . Join ( AppWorkPath , PprofDataPath )
switch sec . Key ( "LANDING_PAGE" ) . MustString ( "home" ) {
case "explore" :
LandingPageURL = LandingPageExplore
case "organizations" :
LandingPageURL = LandingPageOrganizations
case "login" :
LandingPageURL = LandingPageLogin
default :
LandingPageURL = LandingPageHome
if len ( SSH . Domain ) == 0 {
SSH . Domain = Domain
SSH . RootPath = path . Join ( homeDir , ".ssh" )
serverCiphers := sec . Key ( "SSH_SERVER_CIPHERS" ) . Strings ( "," )
if len ( serverCiphers ) > 0 {
SSH . ServerCiphers = serverCiphers
serverKeyExchanges := sec . Key ( "SSH_SERVER_KEY_EXCHANGES" ) . Strings ( "," )
if len ( serverKeyExchanges ) > 0 {
SSH . ServerKeyExchanges = serverKeyExchanges
serverMACs := sec . Key ( "SSH_SERVER_MACS" ) . Strings ( "," )
if len ( serverMACs ) > 0 {
SSH . ServerMACs = serverMACs
SSH . KeyTestPath = os . TempDir ( )
if err = Cfg . Section ( "server" ) . MapTo ( & SSH ) ; err != nil {
log . Fatal ( "Failed to map SSH settings: %v" , err )
for i , key := range SSH . ServerHostKeys {
if ! filepath . IsAbs ( key ) {
SSH . ServerHostKeys [ i ] = filepath . Join ( AppDataPath , key )
SSH . KeygenPath = sec . Key ( "SSH_KEYGEN_PATH" ) . MustString ( "ssh-keygen" )
SSH . Port = sec . Key ( "SSH_PORT" ) . MustInt ( 22 )
SSH . ListenPort = sec . Key ( "SSH_LISTEN_PORT" ) . MustInt ( SSH . Port )
// When disable SSH, start builtin server value is ignored.
if SSH . Disabled {
SSH . StartBuiltinServer = false
trustedUserCaKeys := sec . Key ( "SSH_TRUSTED_USER_CA_KEYS" ) . Strings ( "," )
for _ , caKey := range trustedUserCaKeys {
pubKey , _ , _ , _ , err := gossh . ParseAuthorizedKey ( [ ] byte ( caKey ) )
if err != nil {
log . Fatal ( "Failed to parse TrustedUserCaKeys: %s %v" , caKey , err )
SSH . TrustedUserCAKeysParsed = append ( SSH . TrustedUserCAKeysParsed , pubKey )
if len ( trustedUserCaKeys ) > 0 {
// Set the default as email,username otherwise we can leave it empty
sec . Key ( "SSH_AUTHORIZED_PRINCIPALS_ALLOW" ) . MustString ( "username,email" )
} else {
sec . Key ( "SSH_AUTHORIZED_PRINCIPALS_ALLOW" ) . MustString ( "off" )
SSH . AuthorizedPrincipalsAllow , SSH . AuthorizedPrincipalsEnabled = parseAuthorizedPrincipalsAllow ( sec . Key ( "SSH_AUTHORIZED_PRINCIPALS_ALLOW" ) . Strings ( "," ) )
if ! SSH . Disabled && ! SSH . StartBuiltinServer {
if err := os . MkdirAll ( SSH . RootPath , 0 o700 ) ; err != nil {
log . Fatal ( "Failed to create '%s': %v" , SSH . RootPath , err )
} else if err = os . MkdirAll ( SSH . KeyTestPath , 0 o644 ) ; err != nil {
log . Fatal ( "Failed to create '%s': %v" , SSH . KeyTestPath , err )
if len ( trustedUserCaKeys ) > 0 && SSH . AuthorizedPrincipalsEnabled {
fname := sec . Key ( "SSH_TRUSTED_USER_CA_KEYS_FILENAME" ) . MustString ( filepath . Join ( SSH . RootPath , "gitea-trusted-user-ca-keys.pem" ) )
if err := os . WriteFile ( fname ,
[ ] byte ( strings . Join ( trustedUserCaKeys , "\n" ) ) , 0 o600 ) ; err != nil {
log . Fatal ( "Failed to create '%s': %v" , fname , err )
SSH . MinimumKeySizeCheck = sec . Key ( "MINIMUM_KEY_SIZE_CHECK" ) . MustBool ( SSH . MinimumKeySizeCheck )
minimumKeySizes := Cfg . Section ( "ssh.minimum_key_sizes" ) . Keys ( )
for _ , key := range minimumKeySizes {
if key . MustInt ( ) != - 1 {
SSH . MinimumKeySizes [ strings . ToLower ( key . Name ( ) ) ] = key . MustInt ( )
} else {
delete ( SSH . MinimumKeySizes , strings . ToLower ( key . Name ( ) ) )
SSH . AuthorizedKeysBackup = sec . Key ( "SSH_AUTHORIZED_KEYS_BACKUP" ) . MustBool ( true )
SSH . CreateAuthorizedKeysFile = sec . Key ( "SSH_CREATE_AUTHORIZED_KEYS_FILE" ) . MustBool ( true )
SSH . AuthorizedPrincipalsBackup = false
SSH . CreateAuthorizedPrincipalsFile = false
if SSH . AuthorizedPrincipalsEnabled {
SSH . AuthorizedPrincipalsBackup = sec . Key ( "SSH_AUTHORIZED_PRINCIPALS_BACKUP" ) . MustBool ( true )
SSH . CreateAuthorizedPrincipalsFile = sec . Key ( "SSH_CREATE_AUTHORIZED_PRINCIPALS_FILE" ) . MustBool ( true )
SSH . ExposeAnonymous = sec . Key ( "SSH_EXPOSE_ANONYMOUS" ) . MustBool ( false )
SSH . AuthorizedKeysCommandTemplate = sec . Key ( "SSH_AUTHORIZED_KEYS_COMMAND_TEMPLATE" ) . MustString ( SSH . AuthorizedKeysCommandTemplate )
SSH . AuthorizedKeysCommandTemplateTemplate = template . Must ( template . New ( "" ) . Parse ( SSH . AuthorizedKeysCommandTemplate ) )
SSH . PerWriteTimeout = sec . Key ( "SSH_PER_WRITE_TIMEOUT" ) . MustDuration ( PerWriteTimeout )
SSH . PerWritePerKbTimeout = sec . Key ( "SSH_PER_WRITE_PER_KB_TIMEOUT" ) . MustDuration ( PerWritePerKbTimeout )
if err = Cfg . Section ( "oauth2" ) . MapTo ( & OAuth2 ) ; err != nil {
log . Fatal ( "Failed to OAuth2 settings: %v" , err )
if ! filepath . IsAbs ( OAuth2 . JWTSigningPrivateKeyFile ) {
OAuth2 . JWTSigningPrivateKeyFile = filepath . Join ( AppDataPath , OAuth2 . JWTSigningPrivateKeyFile )
sec = Cfg . Section ( "admin" )
Admin . DefaultEmailNotification = sec . Key ( "DEFAULT_EMAIL_NOTIFICATIONS" ) . MustString ( "enabled" )
sec = Cfg . Section ( "security" )
InstallLock = sec . Key ( "INSTALL_LOCK" ) . MustBool ( false )
SecretKey = sec . Key ( "SECRET_KEY" ) . MustString ( "!#@FDEWREWR&*(" )
LogInRememberDays = sec . Key ( "LOGIN_REMEMBER_DAYS" ) . MustInt ( 7 )
CookieUserName = sec . Key ( "COOKIE_USERNAME" ) . MustString ( "gitea_awesome" )
CookieRememberName = sec . Key ( "COOKIE_REMEMBER_NAME" ) . MustString ( "gitea_incredible" )
ReverseProxyAuthUser = sec . Key ( "REVERSE_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_USER" ) . MustString ( "X-WEBAUTH-USER" )
ReverseProxyAuthEmail = sec . Key ( "REVERSE_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_EMAIL" ) . MustString ( "X-WEBAUTH-EMAIL" )
ReverseProxyLimit = sec . Key ( "REVERSE_PROXY_LIMIT" ) . MustInt ( 1 )
ReverseProxyTrustedProxies = sec . Key ( "REVERSE_PROXY_TRUSTED_PROXIES" ) . Strings ( "," )
if len ( ReverseProxyTrustedProxies ) == 0 {
ReverseProxyTrustedProxies = [ ] string { "" , "::1/128" }
MinPasswordLength = sec . Key ( "MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH" ) . MustInt ( 6 )
ImportLocalPaths = sec . Key ( "IMPORT_LOCAL_PATHS" ) . MustBool ( false )
DisableGitHooks = sec . Key ( "DISABLE_GIT_HOOKS" ) . MustBool ( true )
DisableWebhooks = sec . Key ( "DISABLE_WEBHOOKS" ) . MustBool ( false )
OnlyAllowPushIfGiteaEnvironmentSet = sec . Key ( "ONLY_ALLOW_PUSH_IF_GITEA_ENVIRONMENT_SET" ) . MustBool ( true )
PasswordHashAlgo = sec . Key ( "PASSWORD_HASH_ALGO" ) . MustString ( "pbkdf2" )
CSRFCookieHTTPOnly = sec . Key ( "CSRF_COOKIE_HTTP_ONLY" ) . MustBool ( true )
PasswordCheckPwn = sec . Key ( "PASSWORD_CHECK_PWN" ) . MustBool ( false )
SuccessfulTokensCacheSize = sec . Key ( "SUCCESSFUL_TOKENS_CACHE_SIZE" ) . MustInt ( 20 )
InternalToken = loadInternalToken ( sec )
if InstallLock && InternalToken == "" {
// if Gitea has been installed but the InternalToken hasn't been generated (upgrade from an old release), we should generate
generateSaveInternalToken ( )
cfgdata := sec . Key ( "PASSWORD_COMPLEXITY" ) . Strings ( "," )
if len ( cfgdata ) == 0 {
cfgdata = [ ] string { "off" }
PasswordComplexity = make ( [ ] string , 0 , len ( cfgdata ) )
for _ , name := range cfgdata {
name := strings . ToLower ( strings . Trim ( name , ` " ` ) )
if name != "" {
PasswordComplexity = append ( PasswordComplexity , name )
newAttachmentService ( )
newLFSService ( )
timeFormatKey := Cfg . Section ( "time" ) . Key ( "FORMAT" ) . MustString ( "" )
if timeFormatKey != "" {
TimeFormat = map [ string ] string {
"ANSIC" : time . ANSIC ,
"UnixDate" : time . UnixDate ,
"RubyDate" : time . RubyDate ,
"RFC822" : time . RFC822 ,
"RFC822Z" : time . RFC822Z ,
"RFC850" : time . RFC850 ,
"RFC1123" : time . RFC1123 ,
"RFC1123Z" : time . RFC1123Z ,
"RFC3339" : time . RFC3339 ,
"RFC3339Nano" : time . RFC3339Nano ,
"Kitchen" : time . Kitchen ,
"Stamp" : time . Stamp ,
"StampMilli" : time . StampMilli ,
"StampMicro" : time . StampMicro ,
"StampNano" : time . StampNano ,
} [ timeFormatKey ]
// When the TimeFormatKey does not exist in the previous map e.g.'2006-01-02 15:04:05'
if len ( TimeFormat ) == 0 {
TimeFormat = timeFormatKey
TestTimeFormat , _ := time . Parse ( TimeFormat , TimeFormat )
if TestTimeFormat . Format ( time . RFC3339 ) != "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z" {
log . Warn ( "Provided TimeFormat: %s does not create a fully specified date and time." , TimeFormat )
log . Warn ( "In order to display dates and times correctly please check your time format has 2006, 01, 02, 15, 04 and 05" )
log . Trace ( "Custom TimeFormat: %s" , TimeFormat )
zone := Cfg . Section ( "time" ) . Key ( "DEFAULT_UI_LOCATION" ) . String ( )
if zone != "" {
DefaultUILocation , err = time . LoadLocation ( zone )
if err != nil {
log . Fatal ( "Load time zone failed: %v" , err )
} else {
log . Info ( "Default UI Location is %v" , zone )
if DefaultUILocation == nil {
DefaultUILocation = time . Local
RunUser = Cfg . Section ( "" ) . Key ( "RUN_USER" ) . MustString ( user . CurrentUsername ( ) )
// The following is a purposefully undocumented option. Please do not run Gitea as root. It will only cause future headaches.
// Please don't use root as a bandaid to "fix" something that is broken, instead the broken thing should instead be fixed properly.
unsafeAllowRunAsRoot := Cfg . Section ( "" ) . Key ( "I_AM_BEING_UNSAFE_RUNNING_AS_ROOT" ) . MustBool ( false )
RunMode = Cfg . Section ( "" ) . Key ( "RUN_MODE" ) . MustString ( "Prod" )
RunMode = cases . Title ( language . English ) . String ( strings . ToLower ( RunMode ) )
IsProd = RunMode == "Prod"
// Does not check run user when the install lock is off.
if InstallLock {
currentUser , match := IsRunUserMatchCurrentUser ( RunUser )
if ! match {
log . Fatal ( "Expect user '%s' but current user is: %s" , RunUser , currentUser )
// check if we run as root
if os . Getuid ( ) == 0 {
if ! unsafeAllowRunAsRoot {
// Special thanks to VLC which inspired the wording of this messaging.
log . Fatal ( "Gitea is not supposed to be run as root. Sorry. If you need to use privileged TCP ports please instead use setcap and the `cap_net_bind_service` permission" )
log . Critical ( "You are running Gitea using the root user, and have purposely chosen to skip built-in protections around this. You have been warned against this." )
SSH . BuiltinServerUser = Cfg . Section ( "server" ) . Key ( "BUILTIN_SSH_SERVER_USER" ) . MustString ( RunUser )
newRepository ( )
newPictureService ( )
if err = Cfg . Section ( "ui" ) . MapTo ( & UI ) ; err != nil {
log . Fatal ( "Failed to map UI settings: %v" , err )
} else if err = Cfg . Section ( "markdown" ) . MapTo ( & Markdown ) ; err != nil {
log . Fatal ( "Failed to map Markdown settings: %v" , err )
} else if err = Cfg . Section ( "admin" ) . MapTo ( & Admin ) ; err != nil {
log . Fatal ( "Fail to map Admin settings: %v" , err )
} else if err = Cfg . Section ( "api" ) . MapTo ( & API ) ; err != nil {
log . Fatal ( "Failed to map API settings: %v" , err )
} else if err = Cfg . Section ( "metrics" ) . MapTo ( & Metrics ) ; err != nil {
log . Fatal ( "Failed to map Metrics settings: %v" , err )
u := * appURL
u . Path = path . Join ( u . Path , "api" , "swagger" )
API . SwaggerURL = u . String ( )
newGit ( )
newMirror ( )
Langs = Cfg . Section ( "i18n" ) . Key ( "LANGS" ) . Strings ( "," )
if len ( Langs ) == 0 {
Langs = defaultI18nLangs ( )
Names = Cfg . Section ( "i18n" ) . Key ( "NAMES" ) . Strings ( "," )
if len ( Names ) == 0 {
Names = defaultI18nNames ( )
ShowFooterBranding = Cfg . Section ( "other" ) . Key ( "SHOW_FOOTER_BRANDING" ) . MustBool ( false )
ShowFooterVersion = Cfg . Section ( "other" ) . Key ( "SHOW_FOOTER_VERSION" ) . MustBool ( true )
ShowFooterTemplateLoadTime = Cfg . Section ( "other" ) . Key ( "SHOW_FOOTER_TEMPLATE_LOAD_TIME" ) . MustBool ( true )
UI . ShowUserEmail = Cfg . Section ( "ui" ) . Key ( "SHOW_USER_EMAIL" ) . MustBool ( true )
UI . DefaultShowFullName = Cfg . Section ( "ui" ) . Key ( "DEFAULT_SHOW_FULL_NAME" ) . MustBool ( false )
UI . SearchRepoDescription = Cfg . Section ( "ui" ) . Key ( "SEARCH_REPO_DESCRIPTION" ) . MustBool ( true )
UI . UseServiceWorker = Cfg . Section ( "ui" ) . Key ( "USE_SERVICE_WORKER" ) . MustBool ( false )
HasRobotsTxt , err = util . IsFile ( path . Join ( CustomPath , "robots.txt" ) )
if err != nil {
log . Error ( "Unable to check if %s is a file. Error: %v" , path . Join ( CustomPath , "robots.txt" ) , err )
newMarkup ( )
UI . ReactionsMap = make ( map [ string ] bool )
for _ , reaction := range UI . Reactions {
UI . ReactionsMap [ reaction ] = true
UI . CustomEmojisMap = make ( map [ string ] string )
for _ , emoji := range UI . CustomEmojis {
UI . CustomEmojisMap [ emoji ] = ":" + emoji + ":"
// FIXME: DEPRECATED to be removed in v1.18.0
U2F . AppID = strings . TrimSuffix ( AppURL , "/" )
if Cfg . Section ( "U2F" ) . HasKey ( "APP_ID" ) {
U2F . AppID = Cfg . Section ( "U2F" ) . Key ( "APP_ID" ) . MustString ( strings . TrimSuffix ( AppURL , "/" ) )
} else if Cfg . Section ( "u2f" ) . HasKey ( "APP_ID" ) {
U2F . AppID = Cfg . Section ( "u2f" ) . Key ( "APP_ID" ) . MustString ( strings . TrimSuffix ( AppURL , "/" ) )
func parseAuthorizedPrincipalsAllow ( values [ ] string ) ( [ ] string , bool ) {
anything := false
email := false
username := false
for _ , value := range values {
v := strings . ToLower ( strings . TrimSpace ( value ) )
switch v {
case "off" :
return [ ] string { "off" } , false
case "email" :
email = true
case "username" :
username = true
case "anything" :
anything = true
if anything {
return [ ] string { "anything" } , true
authorizedPrincipalsAllow := [ ] string { }
if username {
authorizedPrincipalsAllow = append ( authorizedPrincipalsAllow , "username" )
if email {
authorizedPrincipalsAllow = append ( authorizedPrincipalsAllow , "email" )
return authorizedPrincipalsAllow , true
func loadInternalToken ( sec * ini . Section ) string {
uri := sec . Key ( "INTERNAL_TOKEN_URI" ) . String ( )
if uri == "" {
return sec . Key ( "INTERNAL_TOKEN" ) . String ( )
tempURI , err := url . Parse ( uri )
if err != nil {
log . Fatal ( "Failed to parse INTERNAL_TOKEN_URI (%s): %v" , uri , err )
switch tempURI . Scheme {
case "file" :
buf , err := os . ReadFile ( tempURI . RequestURI ( ) )
if err != nil && ! os . IsNotExist ( err ) {
log . Fatal ( "Failed to open InternalTokenURI (%s): %v" , uri , err )
// No token in the file, generate one and store it.
if len ( buf ) == 0 {
token , err := generate . NewInternalToken ( )
if err != nil {
log . Fatal ( "Error generate internal token: %v" , err )
err = os . WriteFile ( tempURI . RequestURI ( ) , [ ] byte ( token ) , 0 o600 )
if err != nil {
log . Fatal ( "Error writing to InternalTokenURI (%s): %v" , uri , err )
return token
return strings . TrimSpace ( string ( buf ) )
default :
log . Fatal ( "Unsupported URI-Scheme %q (INTERNAL_TOKEN_URI = %q)" , tempURI . Scheme , uri )
return ""
// generateSaveInternalToken generates and saves the internal token to app.ini
func generateSaveInternalToken ( ) {
token , err := generate . NewInternalToken ( )
if err != nil {
log . Fatal ( "Error generate internal token: %v" , err )
InternalToken = token
CreateOrAppendToCustomConf ( func ( cfg * ini . File ) {
cfg . Section ( "security" ) . Key ( "INTERNAL_TOKEN" ) . SetValue ( token )
} )
// MakeAbsoluteAssetURL returns the absolute asset url prefix without a trailing slash
func MakeAbsoluteAssetURL ( appURL , staticURLPrefix string ) string {
parsedPrefix , err := url . Parse ( strings . TrimSuffix ( staticURLPrefix , "/" ) )
if err != nil {
log . Fatal ( "Unable to parse STATIC_URL_PREFIX: %v" , err )
if err == nil && parsedPrefix . Hostname ( ) == "" {
if staticURLPrefix == "" {
return strings . TrimSuffix ( appURL , "/" )
// StaticURLPrefix is just a path
return util . URLJoin ( appURL , strings . TrimSuffix ( staticURLPrefix , "/" ) )
return strings . TrimSuffix ( staticURLPrefix , "/" )
// MakeManifestData generates web app manifest JSON
func MakeManifestData ( appName , appURL , absoluteAssetURL string ) [ ] byte {
type manifestIcon struct {
Src string ` json:"src" `
Type string ` json:"type" `
Sizes string ` json:"sizes" `
type manifestJSON struct {
Name string ` json:"name" `
ShortName string ` json:"short_name" `
StartURL string ` json:"start_url" `
Icons [ ] manifestIcon ` json:"icons" `
bytes , err := json . Marshal ( & manifestJSON {
Name : appName ,
ShortName : appName ,
StartURL : appURL ,
Icons : [ ] manifestIcon {
Src : absoluteAssetURL + "/assets/img/logo.png" ,
Type : "image/png" ,
Sizes : "512x512" ,
} ,
Src : absoluteAssetURL + "/assets/img/logo.svg" ,
Type : "image/svg+xml" ,
Sizes : "512x512" ,
} ,
} ,
} )
if err != nil {
log . Error ( "unable to marshal manifest JSON. Error: %v" , err )
return make ( [ ] byte , 0 )
return bytes
// CreateOrAppendToCustomConf creates or updates the custom config.
// Use the callback to set individual values.
func CreateOrAppendToCustomConf ( callback func ( cfg * ini . File ) ) {
cfg := ini . Empty ( )
isFile , err := util . IsFile ( CustomConf )
if err != nil {
log . Error ( "Unable to check if %s is a file. Error: %v" , CustomConf , err )
if isFile {
if err := cfg . Append ( CustomConf ) ; err != nil {
log . Error ( "failed to load custom conf %s: %v" , CustomConf , err )
callback ( cfg )
log . Info ( "Settings saved to: %q" , CustomConf )
if err := os . MkdirAll ( filepath . Dir ( CustomConf ) , os . ModePerm ) ; err != nil {
log . Fatal ( "failed to create '%s': %v" , CustomConf , err )
if err := cfg . SaveTo ( CustomConf ) ; err != nil {
log . Fatal ( "error saving to custom config: %v" , err )
// Change permissions to be more restrictive
fi , err := os . Stat ( CustomConf )
if err != nil {
log . Error ( "Failed to determine current conf file permissions: %v" , err )
if fi . Mode ( ) . Perm ( ) > 0 o600 {
if err = os . Chmod ( CustomConf , 0 o600 ) ; err != nil {
log . Warn ( "Failed changing conf file permissions to -rw-------. Consider changing them manually." )
// NewServices initializes the services
func NewServices ( ) {
InitDBConfig ( )
newService ( )
newOAuth2Client ( )
NewLogServices ( false )
newCacheService ( )
newSessionService ( )
newCORSService ( )
newMailService ( )
newRegisterMailService ( )
newNotifyMailService ( )
newProxyService ( )
newWebhookService ( )
newMigrationsService ( )
newIndexerService ( )
newTaskService ( )
NewQueueService ( )
newProject ( )
newMimeTypeMap ( )
newFederationService ( )
// NewServicesForInstall initializes the services for install
func NewServicesForInstall ( ) {
newService ( )
newMailService ( )