<div class="ui green active basic button issue-action" data-action="open" data-url="{{$.RepoLink}}/issues/status">{{.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.action_open"}}</div>
<div class="ui red active basic button issue-action" data-action="close" data-url="{{$.RepoLink}}/issues/status">{{.i18n.Tr "repo.issues.action_close"}}</div>
{{/* Ten wide does not cope well and makes the columns stack.
This seems to be related to jQuery's hide/show: in fact, switching
issue-actions and issue-filters and having this ten wide will show
this one correctly, but not the other one. */}}
<div class="nine wide right aligned right floated column">
<div class="ui secondary filter stackable menu">
<!-- Labels -->
<div class="ui {{if not .Labels}}disabled{{end}} dropdown jump item" style="margin-left: auto">